Read, Write, Create and Explore Chess Games

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Documentation for package ‘chess’ version 1.0.1

Help Pages

back Go back in the game tree, reverting the last move from current branch
board_color Get information about the current board given a color
board_is Get information about the current board
board_move Get information about the current board given a move
board_to_string Convert a board to either unicode or ASCII string
can_claim_draw Get information about the current board
can_claim_fifty_moves Get information about the current board
can_claim_threefold_repetition Get information about the current board
fen Get FEN representation of board
forward Advance in the game tree, playing next move from current branch
game Create a new game
gives_check Get information about the current board given a move
glyph_to_nag Convert glyph to NAG
halfmove_clock Get number of half-moves since the last capture or pawn move
has_castling_rights Get information about the current board given a color
has_en_passant Get information about the current board
has_insufficient_material Get information about the current board given a color
has_kingside_castling_rights Get information about the current board given a color
has_queenside_castling_rights Get information about the current board given a color
install_chess Install python-chess
is_capture Get information about the current board given a move
is_castling Get information about the current board given a move
is_check Get information about the current board
is_checkmate Get information about the current board
is_en_passant Get information about the current board given a move
is_fivefold_repetition Get information about the current board
is_game_over Get information about the current board
is_insufficient_material Get information about the current board
is_irreversible Get information about the current board given a move
is_kingside_castling Get information about the current board given a move
is_queenside_castling Get information about the current board given a move
is_repetition Get information about the current board
is_seventyfive_moves Get information about the current board
is_stalemate Get information about the current board
is_zeroing Get information about the current board given a move
line Branch game with next move
move Make moves and create variations
moves Get all legal moves available
move_ Make moves and create variations
move_number Get number of move
nag Parse Numeric Annotation Glyph (NAG) of a move
note Get comment for a move
parse_move Parse move in context
pgn Get PGN for node of a game
play Move a piece on the board
plot.chess.pgn.GameNode Plot rendering of the board
ply_number Get number of ply
print.chess.Board Print board
print.chess.pgn.GameNode Print game node
print.chess.pgn.Variations Print a list of variations
read_game Read a game from a PGN
result Get result of the game ("*" if it hasn't ended)
root Get the root node of a game
turn Get whose turn it is
variation Follow variation of a move, playing its first move
variations Get all variations for next move (the children of current node)
write_game Save a game as an PGN
write_svg Save an SVG with rendering of the board