Interactively Explore Local Explanations with the Radial Tour

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Documentation for package ‘cheem’ version

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amesHousing2018 Ames housing data 2018
amesHousing2018_NorthAmes Ames housing data 2018
amesHousing2018_raw Ames housing data 2018
ames_rf_pred Ames random forest model predictions and shap values
ames_rf_shap Ames random forest model predictions and shap values
as_logical_index Assure a full length logical index
cheem_ls Preprocessing for use in shiny app
chocolates Chocolates dataset
chocolates_svm_pred Chocolate svm model predictions and shap values
chocolates_svm_shap Chocolate svm model predictions and shap values
color_scale_of Suggest a color and fill scale.
colour_scale_of Suggest a color and fill scale.
contains_nonnumeric Check if a vector contains non-numeric character
devMessage Development message
global_view Linked 'plotly' display, global view of data and attribution space.
global_view_df_1layer Create the plot data.frame for the global linked plotly display.
global_view_legwork The legwork behind the scenes for the global view
ifDev Evaluate if development
is_discrete Check if a vector is discrete
is_diverging Check if a vector diverges a value
linear_tform Linear function to help set alpha opacity
logistic_tform Logistic function to help set alpha opacity
model_performance Extract higher level model performance statistics
penguin_xgb_pred Penguins xgb model predictions and shap values
penguin_xgb_shap Penguins xgb model predictions and shap values
problem_type The type of model for a given Y variable
proto_basis1d_distribution Adds the distribution of the row local attributions to a ggtour
radial_cheem_tour Cheem tour; 1D manual tour on the selected attribution
rnorm_from Draw new samples from the supplied data given its mean and covariances.
run_app Runs a shiny app demonstrating manual tours
subset_cheem Subset a cheem list
sug_basis Suggest a 1D Basis
sug_manip_var Suggest a manipulation variable