scan_project_files {checkpoint}R Documentation

Scan R files for package dependencies


This function scans the R files in your project, including scripts, Sweave documents and Rmarkdown-based files, for references to packages.


  project_dir = ".",
  scan_r_only = FALSE,
  scan_rnw_with_knitr = TRUE,
  scan_rprofile = TRUE



A project path. This is the path to the root of the project that references the packages to be installed from the MRAN snapshot for the date specified for snapshotDate. Defaults to the current working directory.


If TRUE, limits the scanning of project files to R scripts only (those with the extension .R).


If TRUE, scans Sweave files with knitr::knitr, otherwise with utils::Stangle. Ignored if scan_r_only=TRUE.


if TRUE, includes the ⁠~/.Rprofile⁠ startup file in the scan. See Startup.


scan_project_files recursively builds a list of all the R files in your project. This includes regular R scripts, as well as Sweave files (those with extension .Rnw) and Rmarkdown-based files (those with extension .Rmd, .Rpres or Rhtml). It then parses the code in each file and looks for calls to library and require, as well as the namespacing operators :: and :::. The detected packages are assumed to be available from CRAN/MRAN.


A list with 2 components: pkgs, a vector of package names, and errors, a vector of files that could not be scanned. The package listing includes third-party packages, as well as those that are distributed with R and have "Recommended" priority. Base-priority packages (utils, graphics, methods and so forth) are not included.

In addition, if any Rmarkdown files are found, the package listing will include rmarkdown. This allows you to continue rendering them in a checkpointed session.


As an experimental feature, you can specify additional packages to include or exclude via an optional checkpoint.yml manifest file located in your project directory. This should be a valid YAML file with 2 components:

A manifest file allows you to include packages from sources other than CRAN/MRAN in the checkpoint. You can include a Bioconductor package with a ⁠bioc::⁠ reference: bioc::BiocGenerics. A GitHub reference begins with ⁠github::⁠, for example github::RevolutionAnalytics/checkpoint@v1.0. A ⁠local::⁠ reference can point to a package .tar.gz file, or to a directory containing the package source code.

You should use this feature with caution, as checkpoint does not check the versions of these packages. It's recommended that you include a version number, tag or commit hash in a reference, so that you always obtain the same version of the package. See pkgdepends::pkg_refs for a full description of the reference syntax; note that ⁠installed::⁠ references are not currently supported by checkpoint.

A use case for exclusions is if your workflow loads packages that are not on CRAN or other public repositories. For example, Microsoft Machine Learning Server (MMLS) comes with a number of proprietary packages for big data and in-database analytics. You can exclude these packages from checkpointing by listing them in the exclude entry in the manifest. In this case, you must ensure that your packages are still visible to the checkpointed session, for example by specifying prepend=TRUE in the use_checkpoint call. If you share your project with collaborators, they will also need to have these packages separately installed on their machines.



[Package checkpoint version 1.0.2 Index]