assert {checkmate}R Documentation

Combine multiple checks into one assertion


You can call this function with an arbitrary number of of check* functions, i.e. functions provided by this package or your own functions which return TRUE on success and the error message as character(1) otherwise. The resulting assertion is successful, if combine is “or” (default) and at least one check evaluates to TRUE or combine is “and” and all checks evaluate to TRUE. Otherwise, assert throws an informative error message.


assert(..., combine = "or", = NULL, add = NULL)



List of calls to check functions.


“or” or “and” to combine the check functions with an OR or AND, respectively.

Name of the checked object to print in assertions. Defaults to the heuristic implemented in vname.


Collection to store assertion messages. See AssertCollection.


Throws an error (or pushes the error message to an AssertCollection if add is not NULL) if the checks fail and invisibly returns TRUE otherwise.


x = 1:10
assert(checkNull(x), checkInteger(x, any.missing = FALSE))
collection <- makeAssertCollection()
assert(checkChoice(x, c("a", "b")), checkDataFrame(x), add = collection)

[Package checkmate version 2.3.2 Index]