Systematically Run R CMD Checks

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Documentation for package ‘checked’ version 0.2.0

Help Pages

checked-package checked: Systematically Run R CMD Checks
ansi Various utilities for formatting ANSI output
ansi_line_erase Various utilities for formatting ANSI output
ansi_move_line_rel Various utilities for formatting ANSI output
checks_capture Parse R CMD checks from a partial check output string
checks_df Check schedule data frame
checks_simplify Simplify Captures into Vector
check_design Check Design Object
check_dir Check functions
check_functions Check functions
check_packages Check functions
check_reverse_dependencies Check functions
check_reverse_dependencies_development Check functions
check_task_spec Task specification
custom_install_task_spec Task specification
devnull Reuse or Create A Null File Connection
install_task_spec Task specification
package_spec Package specification
package_spec_archive_source Package specification
package_spec_source Package specification
print.checked_results Plot checked results
print.checked_results_check_task_spec Plot checked results
print.checked_results_revdep_check_task_spec Plot checked results
results Check results
results.check_design Check results
revdep_check_task_spec Task specification
rev_dep_check_tasks_df Check schedule data frame
run Run Reverse-Dependency Checks
silent_spinner Create a 'cli' Spinner With Suppressed Output
source_check_tasks_df Check schedule data frame
task_graph_create Create Task Graph
task_graph_neighborhoods Find Task Neighborhood
task_graph_sort Sort Task Graph by Strong Dependency Order
task_graph_which_check_satisfied Find the Next Packages Not Dependent on an Unavailable Package
task_graph_which_install_satisfied Find the Next Packages Not Dependent on an Unavailable Package
task_graph_which_satisfied Find the Next Packages Not Dependent on an Unavailable Package
task_graph_which_satisfied_strong Find the Next Packages Not Dependent on an Unavailable Package
task_spec Task specification
throttle Generate A Rate Limiting Throttle Function