chattr_use {chattr}R Documentation

Sets the LLM model to use in your session


Sets the LLM model to use in your session


chattr_use(x = NULL, ...)



The label of the LLM model to use, or the path of a valid YAML default file . Valid values are 'copilot', 'gpt4', 'gpt35', 'llamagpt', 'databricks-dbrx', 'databricks-meta-llama3-70b', and 'databricks-mixtral8x7b'. The value 'test' is also acceptable, but it is meant for package examples, and internal testing.


Default values to modify.


If the error "No model setup found" was returned, that is because none of the expected setup for Copilot, OpenAI or LLama was automatically detected. Here is how to setup a model:

Use the 'CHATTR_MODEL' environment variable to set it for the R session, or create a YAML file named 'chattr.yml' in your working directory to control the model, and the defaults it will use to communicate with such model.


It returns console messages to allow the user select the model to use.

[Package chattr version 0.2.0 Index]