Context Driven Exploratory Projection Pursuit

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Documentation for package ‘cepp’ version 1.7

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cepp-package Context Driven Exploratory Projection Pursuit
basis_nearby Create random bases
basis_random Create random bases
caller Function to optimize the projection index
cepp Context Driven Exploratory Projection Pursuit
Colon Gene expression data from Alon et al. (1999)
D1 Projection Pursuit Indices based on the bivariate empirical distribution function.
D2 Projection Pursuit Indices based on the bivariate empirical distribution function.
ecdf.indices Projection Pursuit Indices based on the bivariate empirical distribution function.
evaluator Function to evaluate spatial quantiles
KS Projection Pursuit Indices based on the bivariate empirical distribution function.
olive Olive oil samples from Italy
pp Creates the projection pursuit function.
search_geodesic Functions for geodesic search