Translate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and Columns

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Documentation for package ‘cellranger’ version 1.1.0

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cellranger-package cellranger
A1_to_R1C1 Convert cell reference strings from A1 to R1C1 format
addr_col Get column from cell location or reference
addr_col.cell_addr Get column from cell location or reference
addr_row Get row from cell location or reference
addr_row.cell_addr Get row from cell location or reference
anchored Specify cell limits via an anchor cell
as.cell_addr Convert to a cell_addr object
as.cell_addr.character Convert to a cell_addr object
as.cell_addr.ra_ref Convert to a cell_addr object
as.cell_addr_v Convert to a cell_addr object
as.cell_addr_v.character Convert to a cell_addr object
as.cell_addr_v.list Convert to a cell_addr object
as.cell_limits Create a cell_limits object
as.cell_limits.cell_limits Create a cell_limits object
as.cell_limits.character Create a cell_limits object
as.cell_limits.NULL Create a cell_limits object
as.range Convert a cell_limits object to a cell range
as.ra_ref Convert to a ra_ref object
as.ra_ref.cell_addr Convert to a ra_ref object
as.ra_ref.character Convert to a ra_ref object
as.ra_ref_v Convert to a ra_ref object
as.ra_ref_v.cell_addr Convert to a ra_ref object
as.ra_ref_v.character Convert to a ra_ref object
cellranger cellranger
cell_addr cell_addr class
cell_cols Specify cell limits only for columns
cell_limits Create a cell_limits object
cell_rows Specify cell limits only for rows
dim.cell_limits Create a cell_limits object
guess_fo Guess cell reference string format
is_A1 Test cell reference strings
is_R1C1 Test cell reference strings
letter-num-conversion Convert between letter and integer representations of column IDs
letter_to_num Convert between letter and integer representations of column IDs
num_to_letter Convert between letter and integer representations of column IDs
print.ra_ref Print ra_ref object
R1C1_to_A1 Convert R1C1 positioning notation to A1 notation
ra_ref ra_ref class
to_string Get string representation of cell references
to_string.cell_addr Get string representation of cell references
to_string.ra_ref Get string representation of cell references
to_string_v Get string representation of cell references
to_string_v.cell_addr Get string representation of cell references
to_string_v.list Get string representation of cell references