A10_vSMC_volume_data {cellVolumeDist}R Documentation

Volume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures


Volume distribution data for A10 vSMC cell cultures with the DNA polymerase inhibitor aphidicolin added at 0nM, 50nM and 100nM concentration.




The data is formated as 12 numeric vectors of length 257 representing cell volume (μm3\mu m^3) distributions, namely "Aph0\_a", "Aph0\_b", "Aph0\_c", "Aph0\_d", "Aph50\_a", "Aph50\_b", "Aph50\_c", "Aph50\_d", "Aph100\_a", "Aph100\_b", "Aph100\_c", and "Aph100\_d". The name of the object indicates the concentration of aphidicolin present in nM (e.g., "Aph0\_a" represents measurements in the presence of 0nM of aphidicolin). Four repetitions of measurements at each of the three concentrations are included.

The estimated cell cycle time (hh) for each volume distribution dataset is indicated in the numeric objects "tAph0\_a", "tAph0\_b", "tAph0\_c", "tAph0\_d", "tAph50\_a", "tAph50\_b", "tAph50\_c",

"tAph50\_d", "tAph100\_a", "tAph100\_b", "tAph100\_c", and "tAph100\_d".

The object "volumes\_A10\_vSMC" is a numeric vector representing the volumes (μm3\mu m^3) associated with all of the distributions.


The measurement protocol is described in the paper in the references.


Halter M, Elliott JT, Hubbard JB, Tona A, Plant AL (2009), "Cell Volume Distributions Reveal Cell Growth Rates and Division Times", Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol 257, pp 124 - 130, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2008.10.031.


plot(volumes_A10_vSMC, Aph100_b,
main=expression(paste("Distribution of cell volumes (",mu, m^3,")",sep="")),
type="b", pch=20, ylab="frequency",
xlab=expression(paste("volume (",mu, m^3,")", sep="")))

[Package cellVolumeDist version 1.4 Index]