ceg-package {ceg}R Documentation

Chain Event Graph (ceg)


This package has functionalities that allow us to create and learn Chain Event Graph (CEG) models using a Bayesian framework. It provides us with a Hierarchical Agglomerative algorithm to search the CEG model space.


The package also includes several facilities for visualisations of the objects associated with a CEG. The CEG class can represent a range of relational data types, and supports arbitrary vertex, edge and graph attributes. A Chain Event Graph is a tree-based graphical model that provides a powerful graphical interface through which domain experts can easily translate a process into sequences of observed events using plain language. CEGs have been a useful class of graphical model especially to capture context-specific conditional independences.

Currently, ceg provides implementation to support the stratified family, the user will use the following classes:

These classes are implemented as S4 classes and have constructor methods with the same name as the class. A plot method is also provided.


Maintainer: Pier Taranti ptaranti@gmail.com


See Also

Useful links:

[Package ceg version 0.1.0 Index]