cdlei {cdlei} | R Documentation |
The life expectancy improvement with a cure distribution for a cause of death.
In may circumstances, to increase in life expectancy when a certain cause of death is eliminated is sought, but this is usually done by taking the cause out of consideration fully, which is unrealistic. Here, we incorporate a probability distribution for the cure of the cause over time, to more accurately predict the increase in life expectancy at each age.
cdlei(age, qtau, qhiv, k, d)
age |
age |
qtau |
vector of probabilities of death by all causes at each age |
qhiv |
vector of probabilities of death by HIV at each age |
k |
cure probability parameter |
d |
index |
cdlei |
cause-deleted life expectancy |
qx |
probability of deatch at age x |
px |
probability of survival at age x |
tpx |
probability an x year old survives to age x+t |
sumtpx |
sum of tpx |
Fk |
probability of curve |
pxx |
probability of survival at age x, using cure probability |
tpxx |
probability of sirviving t years after age x, using cure probability |
sumtpxx |
cumulative sum of tpx |
df |
data frame |
Peter Adamic, Alicja Wolny-Dominiak
1. Adamic, P. (2015). Life Expectancy Improvement with a Curve Distribution for a cause of death, Australian Journal of Actuarial Practice, 3, 59-70.
2. Adamic, P. (2008). Cause-deleted life expectancy improvement in the presence of
left and right censoring. Belgian Actuarial Bulletin, 8: 17-21.
3. Brown, R.L. (1997). Introduction to the Mathematics of Demography, 3rd ed, Winsted, Connecticut: Actex.
res <- cdlei(lifeData$age, lifeData$qtau, lifeData$qhiv, 0.02, 100000)