census2010FIPS |
U.S. Census 2010 FIPS Data |
corn |
CDL corn classes |
cotton |
CDL cotton classes |
createComparableCDL |
Create comparable raster images |
cultivated |
CDL cultivated classes |
durumWheat |
CDL durum wheat classes |
fips |
FIPS code conversion function. |
getCDL |
Get CDL raster data |
getCDL_bbox |
Get CDL raster data for a bounding box |
matchCount |
Counts distinct pixel pairs in CDL raster images |
metadata |
CDL metadata. |
nothing |
CDL nothing class |
pasture |
CDL pasture classes |
projCDL |
The default projection of CDL data |
soybeans |
CDL soybeans classes |
springWheat |
CDL spring wheat classes |
stateNames |
U.S. Census 2010 State FIPS Data |
updateNamesCDL |
Label CDL classes. |
varNamesCDL |
Enumerated CDL classes |
water |
CDL water classes |
winterWheat |
CDL winter wheat classes |