cdcat.summary {cdcatR}R Documentation

Summary information for a cdcat object


This function provides classification accuracy, item exposure, and CAT length results for cdcat object. If a list of cdcat objects is included, these objects are compared through different tables and plots.


cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj, alpha = NULL, label = NULL, plots = TRUE)



An object or list of objects of class cdcat


Numeric matrix of dimensions N x K with the reference attribute patterns used to compute attribute classification accuracy. It is expected that it will contain the true, generating alpha pattern or those estimated with the entire item bank. It is a guideline to evaluate the cdcat results. This is required to obtain the alpha.recovery output and if a list of objects of class cdcat is provided as input.


Character vector that contains the labels for the cdcat object(s). If NULL (by default), the models are used as labels


Scalar logical. Whether or not the plots should be created. Default is TRUE


cdcat.summary returns an object of class cdcat.summary.

If a list of objects of class cdcat is provided:


A list that contains the attribute classification accuracy results calculated at the pattern- (PCV) and attribute-levels (PCA). Two plots monitoring these variables are provided when FIXED.LENGTH = TRUE


A list that contains the item exposure rates results: descriptive statistics (stats) and a plot representing the item exposure rates (plot). Note that when FIXED.LENGTH = FALSE the overlap rate is calculated based on the average CAT length


If the object or list of objects of class cdcat are fixed-precision applications (i.e., FIXED.LENGTH = FALSE), this additional list is included. It contains descriptive statistics (stats) and a plot (plot) describing the CAT length

If only one object of class cdcat is provided:


Information about the classifications made by the CD-CAT procedure


A list that contains the item exposure rates and CAT length results: descriptive statistics (stats) and a plot representing the item exposure rates (plot). Note that when FIXED.LENGTH = FALSE the overlap rate is calculated based on the average CAT length


If alpha was provided a list that contains information on attribute classification accuracy is provided


A list that contains all the specifications

[Package cdcatR version 1.0.6 Index]