cdcat {cdcatR} | R Documentation |
Cognitively based computerized adaptive test application
conducts a CD-CAT application for a given dataset. Different item selection rules can be used: the general discrimination index
(GDI; de la Torre & Chiu, 2016; Kaplan et al., 2015), the Jensen-Shannon divergence index (JSD; Kang et al., 2017; Minchen & de la Torre, 2016;
Yigit et al., 2018), the posterior-weighted Kullback-Leibler index (PWKL; Cheng, 2009), the modified PWKL index (MPWKL; Kaplan et al., 2015), the nonparametric
item selection method (NPS; Chang et al., 2019), the general nonparametric item selection method (GNPS; Chiu & Chang, 2021), or random selection. Fixed length or fixed precision CD-CAT can be applied. Fixed precision CD-CAT with
NPS and GNPS is available, by using the pseudo-posterior probability of each student mastering each attribute (experimental).
fit = NULL,
dat = NULL,
itemSelect = "GDI",
MAXJ = 20,
startRule = "random",
startK = FALSE,
att.prior = NULL,
initial.distr = NULL,
precision.cut = 0.8,
NP.args = list(Q = NULL, gate = NULL, PPP = TRUE, w = 2),
itemExposurecontrol = NULL,
b = 0,
maxr = 1,
itemConstraint = NULL,
constraint.args = list(ATTRIBUTEc = NULL),
n.cores = 2,
seed = NULL,
print.progress = TRUE
fit |
An object of class |
dat |
Numeric matrix of dimensions N number of examinees x J number of items. Dataset to be analyzed. If |
itemSelect |
Scalar character. Item selection rule: |
Scalar numeric. Maximum number of items to be applied regardless of the |
Scalar logical. Fixed CAT-length ( |
startRule |
Scalar character. Starting rule: first item is selected at random with |
startK |
Scalar logical. Start the CAT with an identity matrix ( |
att.prior |
Numeric vector of length 2^K, where K is the number of attributes. Prior distribution for MAP/EAP estimates. Default is uniform |
initial.distr |
Numeric vector of length 2^K, where K is the number of attributes. Weighting distribution to initialize |
precision.cut |
Scalar numeric. Cutoff for fixed-precision (assigned pattern posterior probability > precision.cut; Hsu, Wang, & Chen, 2013). When |
NP.args |
A list of options when |
itemExposurecontrol |
Scalar character. Item exposure control: |
b |
Scalar numeric. Acceleration parameter for the item exposure method. Only applies if |
maxr |
Scalar numeric. Value should be in the range 0-1. Maximum item exposure rate that is tolerated. Default is 1. Note that for |
itemConstraint |
Scalar character. Constraints that must be satisfied by the set of items applied: |
constraint.args |
A list of options when |
n.cores |
Scalar numeric. Number of cores to be used during parallelization. Default is 2 |
seed |
Numeric vector of length 1. Some methods have a random component, so a seed is required for consistent results |
print.progress |
Scalar logical. Prints a progress bar to the console. Default is TRUE |
returns an object of class cdcat
- est
A list that contains for each examinee the mastery posterior probability estimates at each step of the CAT (
) and the items applied (item.usage
)- specifications
A list that contains all the specifications
Barrada, J. R., Olea, J., Ponsoda, V., & Abad, F. J. (2008). Incorporating randomness in the Fisher information for improving item-exposure control in CATs.British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 61, 493-513.
Chang, Y.-P., Chiu, C.-Y., & Tsai, R.-C. (2019). Nonparametric CAT for CD in educational settings with small samples. Applied Psychological Measurement, 43, 543-561.
Cheng, Y. (2009). When cognitive diagnosis meets computerized adaptive testing: CD-CAT. Psychometrika, 74, 619-632.
Chiu, C. Y., & Chang, Y. P. (2021). Advances in CD-CAT: The general nonparametric item selection method. Psychometrika, 86, 1039-1057.
de la Torre, J., & Chiu, C. Y. (2016). General method of empirical Q-matrix validation. Psychometrika, 81, 253-273.
George, A. C., Robitzsch, A., Kiefer, T., Gross, J., & Uenlue, A. (2016). The R Package CDM for cognitive diagnosis models. Journal of Statistical Software, 74, 1-24. doi:10.18637/jss.v074.i02
Henson, R., & Douglas, J. (2005). Test construction for cognitive diagnosis. Applied Psychological Measurement, 29, 262-277.
Hsu, C. L., Wang, W. C., & Chen, S. Y. (2013). Variable-length computerized adaptive testing based on cognitive diagnosis models. Applied Psychological Measurement, 37, 563-582.
Kang, H.-A., Zhang, S., & Chang, H.-H. (2017). Dual-objective item selection criteria in cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing. Journal of Educational Measurement, 54, 165-183.
Kaplan, M., de la Torre, J., & Barrada, J. R. (2015). New item selection methods for cognitive diagnosis computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 39, 167-188.
Ma, W. & de la Torre, J. (2020). GDINA: The generalized DINA model framework. R package version 2.7.9. Retrived from
Minchen, N., & de la Torre, J. (2016, July). The continuous G-DINA model and the Jensen-Shannon divergence. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Asheville, NC, United States.
Nájera, P., Sorrel, M. A., & Abad, F. J. (2022). cdmTools: Useful Tools for Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling. R package version 1.0.1.
Robitzsch, A., Kiefer, T., George, A. C., & Uenlue, A. (2020). CDM: Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling. R package version 7.5-15.
Yigit, H. D., Sorrel, M. A., de la Torre, J. (2018). Computerized adaptive testing for cognitively based multiple-choice data. Applied Psychological Measurement, 43, 388-401.
# Example 1. #
# CD-CAT simulation for a GDINA obj #
Q <- sim180GDINA$simQ
K <- ncol(Q)
dat <- sim180GDINA$simdat
att <- sim180GDINA$simalpha
#----------Model estimation----------#
fit <- GDINA::GDINA(dat = dat, Q = Q, verbose = 0) # GDINA package
#fit <- CDM::gdina(data = dat, q.matrix = Q, progress = 0) # CDM package
res.FIXJ <- cdcat(fit = fit, dat = dat, FIXED.LENGTH = TRUE,
MAXJ = 20, n.cores = 2)
res.VARJ <- cdcat(fit = fit, dat = dat, FIXED.LENGTH = FALSE,
MAXJ = 20, precision.cut = .80, n.cores = 2)
res.FIXJ$est[[1]] # estimates for the first examinee (fixed-length)
res.VARJ$est[[1]] # estimates for the first examinee (fixed-precision)
att.plot(cdcat.obj = res.FIXJ, i = 1) # plot for the first examinee (fixed-length)
att.plot(cdcat.obj = res.VARJ, i = 1) # plot for the first examinee (fixed-precision)
# FIXJ summary
res.FIXJ.sum.real <- cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj = res.FIXJ, alpha = att) # vs. real accuracy
# VARJ summary
res.VARJ.sum.real <- cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj = res.VARJ, alpha = att)
# vs. maximum observable accuracy
att.J <- GDINA::personparm(fit, "MAP")[, -(K+1)] # GDINA package
# att.J <- t(sapply(strsplit(as.character(fit$pattern$map.est), ""), as.numeric)) # CDM package
class.J <- GDINA::ClassRate(att, att.J) # upper-limit for accuracy
res.FIXJ.sum.obse <- cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj = res.FIXJ, alpha = att.J)
res.FIXJ.sum.obse$alpha.recovery$PCV.plot + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = class.J$PCV[K],
color = "firebrick3")
res.FIXJ.sum.obse$alpha.recovery$PCA.plot + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = class.J$PCA,
color = "firebrick3")
# Example 2. #
# CD-CAT simulation for multiple #
# GDINA objs and comparison of #
# performance on a validation sample #
Q <- sim180combination$simQ
K <- ncol(Q)
parm <- sim180combination$specifications$$simcatprob.parm
dat.c <- sim180combination$simdat[,,1]
att.c <- sim180combination$simalpha[,,1]
dat.v <- sim180combination$simdat[,,2]
att.v <- sim180combination$simalpha[,,2]
#-----(multiple) Model estimation----#
fitTRUE <- GDINA::GDINA(dat = dat.c, Q = Q, catprob.parm = parm,
control = list(maxitr = 0), verbose = 0)
fitGDINA <- GDINA::GDINA(dat = dat.c, Q = Q, verbose = 0)
fitDINA <- GDINA::GDINA(dat = dat.c, Q = Q, model = "DINA", verbose = 0)
LR2step <- LR.2step(fitGDINA)
models <- LR2step$models.adj.pvalues
fitLR2 <- GDINA::GDINA(dat = dat.c, Q = Q, model = models, verbose = 0)
fit.l <- list(fitTRUE, fitLR2, fitGDINA, fitDINA)
res.FIXJ.l <- lapply(fit.l, function(x) cdcat(dat = dat.v,fit = x,
FIXED.LENGTH = TRUE, n.cores = 2))
res.VARJ.l <- lapply(fit.l, function(x) cdcat(dat = dat.v,fit = x,
FIXED.LENGTH = FALSE, n.cores = 2))
fitbest <- GDINA::GDINA(dat = dat.v, Q = Q, catprob.parm = parm,
control = list(maxitr = 1), verbose = 0)
fitbest.acc <- GDINA::personparm(fitbest, "MAP")[, -(K+1)]
class.J <- GDINA::ClassRate(att.v, fitbest.acc) # upper-limit for accuracy
# FIXJ comparison
res.FIXJ.sum <- cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj = res.FIXJ.l, alpha = att.v)
res.FIXJ.sum$recovery$PCVcomp + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = class.J$PCV[K],
color = "firebrick3")
res.FIXJ.sum$recovery$PCAmcomp + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = class.J$PCA,
color = "firebrick3")
# VARJ comparison
res.VARJ.sum <- cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj = res.VARJ.l, alpha = att.v)
# Example 3. #
# Nonparametric CD-CAT for #
# small-scale assessment (NPS) #
Q <- sim180DINA$simQ
K <- ncol(Q)
N <- 50
dat <- sim180DINA$simdat[1:N,]
att <- sim180DINA$simalpha[1:N,]
#--------Nonparametric CD-CAT--------#
res.NPS.FIXJ <- cdcat(dat = dat, itemSelect = "NPS", FIXED.LENGTH = TRUE,
MAXJ = 25, n.cores = 2,
NP.args = list(Q = Q, gate = "AND", pseudo.prob = TRUE, w.type = 2),
seed = 12345)
res.NPS.VARJ <- cdcat(dat = dat, itemSelect = "NPS", FIXED.LENGTH = FALSE,
MAXJ = 25, precision.cut = 0.90, n.cores = 2,
NP.args = list(Q = Q, gate = "AND", pseudo.prob = TRUE, w.type = 2),
seed = 12345)
res.NPS.FIXJ$est[[1]] # estimates for the first examinee (fixed-length)
res.NPS.VARJ$est[[1]] # estimates for the first examinee (fixed-precision)
att.plot(res.NPS.FIXJ, i = 1) # plot for estimates for the first examinee (fixed-length)
att.plot(res.NPS.VARJ, i = 1) # plot for estimates for the first examinee (fixed-precision)
# FIXJ summary
res.NPS.FIXJ.sum.real <- cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj = res.NPS.FIXJ, alpha = att) # vs. real accuracy
# VARJ summary
res.NPS.VARJ.sum.real <- cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj = res.NPS.VARJ, alpha = att)
# vs. maximum observable accuracy
fit <- NPCD::AlphaNP(Y = dat, Q = Q, gate = "AND")
att.J <- fit$alpha.est
class.J <- GDINA::ClassRate(att, att.J) # upper-limit for accuracy
res.NPS.FIXJ.sum.obse <- cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj = res.NPS.FIXJ, alpha = att.J)
res.NPS.FIXJ.sum.obse$alpha.recovery$PCV.plot + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = class.J$PCV[K],
color = "firebrick3")
res.NPS.FIXJ.sum.obse$alpha.recovery$PCA.plot + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = class.J$PCA,
color = "firebrick3")
# Example 4. #
# Nonparametric CD-CAT for #
# small-scale assessment (GNPS) #
Q <- sim180DINA$simQ
K <- ncol(Q)
N <- 50
dat <- sim180DINA$simdat[1:N,]
att <- sim180DINA$simalpha[1:N,]
#----------Model calibration----------#
gnpc <- cdmTools::GNPC(dat = dat, Q = Q, verbose = 0)
#--------Nonparametric CD-CAT--------#
res.GNPS.FIXJ <- cdcat(fit = gnpc, dat = dat, itemSelect = "GNPS", FIXED.LENGTH = TRUE,
MAXJ = 25, n.cores = 2,
NP.args = list(Q = Q, gate = "AND", PPP = TRUE, w.type = 2),
seed = 12345)
res.GNPS.VARJ <- cdcat(fit = gnpc, dat = dat, itemSelect = "GNPS", FIXED.LENGTH = FALSE,
MAXJ = 25, precision.cut = 0.90, n.cores = 2,
NP.args = list(Q = Q, gate = "AND", PPP = TRUE, w.type = 2),
seed = 12345)
res.GNPS.FIXJ$est[[1]] # estimates for the first examinee (fixed-length)
res.GNPS.VARJ$est[[1]] # estimates for the first examinee (fixed-precision)
att.plot(res.GNPS.FIXJ, i = 1) # plot for estimates for the first examinee (fixed-length)
att.plot(res.GNPS.VARJ, i = 1) # plot for estimates for the first examinee (fixed-precision)
# FIXJ summary
res.GNPS.FIXJ.sum.real <- cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj = res.GNPS.FIXJ, alpha = att) # vs. real accuracy
# VARJ summary
res.GNPS.VARJ.sum.real <- cdcat.summary(cdcat.obj = res.GNPS.VARJ, alpha = att)