getExposures {ccmReportR}R Documentation

Execute a SOQL query against the Exposure object


getExposures() returns a user-defined data from the CCM Exposure object. The Exposure object maps to Exposures on the client-side.


  type = NULL,
  from = "1990-01-01",
  to = as.character(Sys.time()),
  columns = "Id",
  healthUnit = NULL



Character vector or scalar. Names the exposure type used to filter the query. Defaults to all exposure types. One or more of:

  1. Community

  2. ⁠Congregate Living⁠

  3. Household

  4. Institutional

  5. Travel


Character scalar. Identifies the start of the date range to include in the query. Defaults to the origin date of CCM.


Character scalar. Identifies the end of the date range to include in the query. Defaults to Sys.time() (i.e. today's date and time).


Character scalar or character vector. Names the columns to return from the exposure object. Defaults to Id.


Character vector or scalar. Names the Public Health Unit used to filter the query. getExposures() filters on Exposure PHU. Defaults to NULL (i.e. no health unit filter).


If the query succeeds, a tibble containing columns.


## Not run: 
Get all community exposures for Durham Region
exposures <- getExposures(
  type = 'Community',
  healthUnit = 'Durham Region Health Department'
Specify the data to return. This can be field names or labels
N.B. Names are case sensitive!
exposures <- getExposures(
  columns = c("Id", "Exposure Name", "CCM_Exposure_Setting__c")
Limit the data to a specific time period.
exposures <- getExposures(
  from = "2020-12-12",
  to = "2020-12-17"

## End(Not run)

[Package ccmReportR version 0.1.0 Index]