Conditional Binary Quantile Models

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Documentation for package ‘cbq’ version

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cbq-package cbq: An R Package for Estimating Conditional Binary Quantile Models
cbq Fitting conditional binary quantile models
coef.cbq Extract CBQ Coefficients
dald Probability density function of asymmetric Laplace distributions
inverse Inverse function
is.dichotomous Check if a predictor is dichotomous, adopted from package 'circGLM'
pald Cumulative density function of asymmetric Laplace distributions
plot.cbq Plot cbq object
plot_coef.cbq Make coefficient plots for cbq
plot_trace.cbq Make traceplots for cbq
predict.cbq Predictions based on the fitted parameter values
print.cbq Print cbq object
print_coef.cbq Print cbq coefficients
print_mcmc.cbq Print the mcmc results from a cbq object
print_text.cbq Print the main results from a 'cbq' object.
qald Quantile function of asymmetric Laplace distributions
rald Random number generator of asymmetric Laplace distributions