Clustering for Business Analytics

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Documentation for package ‘cba’ version 0.2-23

Help Pages

as.dummy Dummy Coding Dummy Coding
as.dummy.matrix Dummy Coding
ccfkms Clustering with Conjugate Convex Functions
circleplot.dist Plotting Distance Graphs
clmplot Plotting Logical Matrices
cluster.dist Clustering a Sparse Symmetric Distance Matrix
cut.ordered Converting Ordered Factors
fitted.proximus Extract from a Proximus Object
fitted.rock Rock Clustering
gknn Generalized k-Nearest Neighbor Classification
implot Matrix Image Plots
lminter Interpolating Logical Matrices
lmplot Plotting Logical Matrices
Mushroom Mushroom Data Set Improving the Presentation of Matrix Objects
order.dist Improving the Presentation of Matrix Objects
order.greedy Hierarchical Greedy Ordering
order.length Conciseness of Presentation Measures
order.matrix Improving the Presentation of Matrix Objects
order.optimal Optimal Leaf Ordering of Binary Trees.
plot.sdists.graph Plotting Edit Transcripts and Sequence Alignments
predict.ccfkms Clustering with Conjugate Convex Functions.
predict.rock Rock Clustering
print.summary.proximus Summarizing Proximus Objects
proximus Proximus
rlbmat Block Uniform Logical Matrix Deviates
rockCluster Rock Clustering
rockLink Rock Clustering
sdists Sequence Distance Computation Centroid Sequences Align Sequences to a Center
sdists.trace Edit Transcripts and Sequence Alignments
stress Conciseness of Presentation Measures
stress.dist Conciseness of Presentation Measures
summary.proximus Summarizing Proximus Objects
townships Bertin's Characteristics and Townships Data Set
Votes Congressional Votes 1984 Data Set