Causal Effect for Population Attributable Fractions (PAF)

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Documentation for package ‘causalPAF’ version 1.2.5

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causalPAFplot Evaluates Total PAF, Direct PAF, Indirect PAF and Path Specific PAF for a user inputted number of bootstraps and integral simulations
checkMarkovDAG Checks if the causal DAG satisfies the Markov condition
pointEstimate Evaluates Point Estimates for Total PAF, Direct PAF, Indirect PAF and Path Specific PAF for a user inputted number of integral simulations. There is no bootstrap applied in this function.
sequential_PAF Sequential Population Attributable Fractions in a Bayesian Network.
strokedata Fictional ischemic stroke data case control data with risk factors, exposures and confounders
strokedata_smallSample Fictional ischemic stroke data case control data with risk factors, exposures and confounders