dabipf {cat} | R Documentation |
Data augmentation-Bayesian IPF algorithm for incomplete categorical data
Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method for simulating draws from the
observed-data posterior distribution of underlying cell probabilities
under hierarchical loglinear models. May be used in conjunction with
to create proper multiple imputations.
dabipf(s, margins, start, steps=1, prior=0.5, showits=FALSE)
s |
summary list of an incomplete categorical dataset created by the
function |
margins |
vector describing the marginal totals to be fitted. A margin is described by the factors not summed over, and margins are separated by zeros. Thus c(1,2,0,2,3,0,1,3) would indicate fitting the (1,2), (2,3), and (1,3) margins in a three-way table, i.e., the model of no three-way association. |
start |
starting value of the parameter. The starting value should lie in the
interior of the parameter space for the given loglinear model. If
structural zeros are present, |
steps |
number of complete cycles of data augmentation-Bayesian IPF to be performed. |
prior |
optional array of hyperparameters specifying a Dirichlet
prior distribution. The default is the Jeffreys prior (all
hyperparameters = .5). If structural zeros are present, a prior
should be supplied with hyperparameters set to |
showits |
if |
array of simulated cell probabilities that satisfy the loglinear model. If the algorithm has converged, this will be a draw from the actual posterior distribution of the parameters.
The random number generator seed must be set at least once by the
function rngseed
before this function can be used.
The starting value must lie in the interior of the parameter space.
Hence, caution should be used when using a maximum likelihood estimate
(e.g., from ecm.cat
) as a starting value. Random zeros in a table
may produce mle's with expected cell counts of zero. This difficulty
can be overcome by using as a starting value a posterior mode
calculated by ecm.cat
with prior hyperparameters greater than one.
Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 8.
# Example 1 Based on Schafer's p. 329 and ss. This is a toy version,
# using a much shorter length of chain than required. To
# generate results comparable with those in the book, edit
# the \dontrun{ } line below and comment the previous one.
EB <- ifelse(B1==B2,1,0)
EI <- ifelse(I1==I2,1,0)
belt.frame <- cbind(belt.frame,EB,EI)
a <- xtabs(Freq ~ D + S + B2 + I2 + EB + EI,
m <- list(c(1,2,3,4),c(3,4,5,6),c(1,5),
b <- loglin(a,margin=m) # fits (DSB2I2)B2I2EBEI)(DEB)(DEI)(SEI)
# in Schafer's p. 304
a <- xtabs(Freq ~ D + S + B2 + I2 + B1 + I1,
m <- list(c(1,2,5,6),c(1,2,3,4),c(3,4,5,6),
b <- loglin(a,margin=m) # fits (DSB1I1)(DSB2I2)(B2I2B1I1)(DB1B2)
# (DI1I2)(SI1I2) in Schafer's p. 329
s <- prelim.cat(x=belt[,-7],counts=belt[,7])
m <- c(1,2,5,6,0,1,2,3,4,0,3,4,5,6,0,1,3,5,0,1,4,6,0,2,4,6)
theta <- ecm.cat(s,margins=m, # excruciantingly slow; needs 2558
maxits=5000) # iterations.
# Now ten multiple imputations of the missing variables B2, I2 are
# generated, by running a chain and taking every 2500th observation.
# Prior hyperparameter is set at 0.5 as in Shchafer's p. 329
imputations <- vector("list",10)
for (i in 1:10) {
cat("Doing imputation ",i,"\n")
theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5, # toy chain; for comparison with
steps=25) # results in Schafer's book the next
# statement should be run,
# rather than this one.
## Not run: theta <- dabipf(s,m,theta,prior=0.5,steps=2500)
imputations[[i]] <- imp.cat(s,theta)
# Example 2 (reproduces analysis performed in Schafer's p. 327.)
# Caveat! I try to reproduce what has been done in that page, but although
# the general appearance of the boxplots generated below is quite similar to
# that of Schafer's Fig. 8.4 (p. 327), the VALUES of the log odds do not
# quite fall in line with those reported by said author. It doesn't look like
# the difference can be traced to decimal vs. natural logs. On the other hand,
# Fig. 8.4 refers to log odds, while the text near the end of page 327 gives
# 1.74 and 1.50 as the means of the *odds* (not log odds). FT, 22.7.2003.
data(older) # reading data
x <- older[,1:6] # preliminary manipulations
counts <- older[,7]
s <- prelim.cat(x,counts)
colnames(x) # names of columns
m <- c(1,2,3,4,5,0,1,2,3,5,6,0,4,3) # model (ASPMG)(ASPMD)(GD) in
# Schafer's p. 327
# do analysis with different priors
theta <- ecm.cat(s,m,prior=1.5) # Strong pull to uniform table
# for initial estimates
prob1 <- dabipf(s,m,theta,steps=100, # Burn-in period
prob2 <- dabipf(s,m,theta,steps=100, # Id. with second prior
lodds <- matrix(0,5000,2) # Where to store log odds ratios.
oddsr <- function(x) { # Odds ratio of 2 x 2 table.
o <- (x[1,1]*x[2,2])/
for(i in 1:5000) { # Now generate 5000 log odds
prob1 <- dabipf(s,m,prob1, prior=0.1)
t1 <- apply(prob1,c(1,2),sum) # Marginal GD table
# Log odds ratio
lodds[i,1] <- log(oddsr(t1))
prob2 <- dabipf(s,m,prob2, prior=1.5) # Id. with second prior
t2 <- apply(prob2,c(1,2),sum)
lodds[i,2] <- log(oddsr(t2))
lodds <- as.data.frame(lodds)
colnames(lodds) <- c("0.1","1.5") # Similar to Schafer's Fig. 8.4.
boxplot(lodds,xlab="Prior hyperparameter")
title(main="Log odds ratio generated with DABIPF (5000 draws)")