bipf {cat}R Documentation

Bayesian Iterative Proportional Fitting (BIPF)


Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method for simulating posterior draws of cell probabilities under a hierarchical loglinear model


bipf(table,margins, prior=0.5, start, steps=1, showits=FALSE)



contingency table (array) to be fitted by a log-linear model. All elements must be non-negative.


vector describing the marginal totals to be fitted. A margin is described by the factors not summed over, and margins are separated by zeros. Thus c(1,2,0,2,3,0,1,3) would indicate fitting the (1,2), (2,3), and (1,3) margins in a three-way table, i.e., the model of no three-way association.


optional array of hyperparameters specifying a Dirichlet prior distribution. The default is the Jeffreys prior (all hyperparameters = .5). If structural zeros appear in table, a prior should be supplied with hyperparameters set to NA for those cells.


starting value for the algorithm. The default is a uniform table. If structural zeros appear in table, start should contain zeros in those cells and ones elsewhere.


number of cycles of Bayesian IPF to be performed.


if TRUE, reports the iterations so the user can monitor the progress of the algorithm.


array like table, but containing simulated cell probabilities that satisfy the loglinear model. If the algorithm has converged, this will be a draw from the actual posterior distribution of the parameters.


The random number generator seed must be set at least once by the function rngseed before this function can be used.

The starting value must lie in the interior of the parameter space. Hence, caution should be used when using a maximum likelihood estimate (e.g., from ipf) as a starting value. Random zeros in a table may produce mle's with expected cell counts of zero, and any zero in a starting value is interpreted by bipf as a structural zero. This difficulty can be overcome by using as a starting value calculated by ipf after adding a small positive constant (e.g., 1/2) to each cell.


Schafer (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 8.

See Also

ipf and rngseed.


data(HairEyeColor)                     # load data
m=c(1,2,0,1,3,0,2,3)                   # no three-way interaction
thetahat <- ipf(HairEyeColor,margins=m,
            showits=TRUE)              # fit model
thetahat <- ipf(HairEyeColor+.5,m)     # find an interior starting value 
rngseed(1234567)                       # set random generator seed
theta <- bipf(HairEyeColor,m,
              steps=50)                # take 50 steps

[Package cat version 0.0-9 Index]