crate {carrier}R Documentation

Crate a function to share with another process


crate() creates functions in a self-contained environment (technically, a child of the base environment). This has two advantages:

Creating self-contained functions requires some care, see section below.


crate(.fn, ...)



A fresh formula or function. "Fresh" here means that they should be declared in the call to crate(). See examples if you need to crate a function that is already defined. Formulas are converted to purrr-like lambda functions using rlang::as_function().


Arguments to declare in the environment of .fn. If a name is supplied, the object is assigned to that name. Otherwise the argument is automatically named after itself.

Creating self-contained functions


# You can create functions using the ordinary notation:
crate(function(x) stats::var(x))

# Or the formula notation:
crate(~ stats::var(.x))

# Declare data by supplying named arguments. You can test you have
# declared all necessary data by calling your crated function:
na_rm <- TRUE
fn <- crate(~ stats::var(.x, na.rm = na_rm))

# For small data it is handy to unquote instead. Unquoting inlines
# objects inside the function. This is less verbose if your
# function depends on many small objects:
fn <- crate(~ stats::var(.x, na.rm = !!na_rm))

# One downside is that the individual sizes of unquoted objects
# won't be shown in the crate printout:

# The function or formula you pass to crate() should defined inside
# the crate() call, i.e. you can't pass an already defined
# function:
fn <- function(x) toupper(x)

# If you really need to crate an existing function, you can
# explicitly set its environment to the crate environment with the
# set_env() function from rlang:

[Package carrier version 0.1.1 Index]