Ensembles of Caret Models

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Documentation for package ‘caretEnsemble’ version 2.0.3

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caretEnsemble-package caretEnsemble: Make ensembles of caret models.
as.caretList Convert object to caretList object
as.caretList.default Convert object to caretList object - For Future Use
as.caretList.list Convert list to caretList
autoplot Convenience function for more in-depth diagnostic plots of caretEnsemble objects
bestPreds Extract the best predictions from a train object
c.caretList S3 definition for concatenating caretList
c.train S3 definition for concatenating train objects
caretEnsemble caretEnsemble: Make ensembles of caret models.
caretList Create a list of several train models from the caret package Build a list of train objects suitable for ensembling using the 'caretEnsemble' function.
caretModelSpec Generate a specification for fitting a caret model
caretStack Combine several predictive models via stacking
check_bestpreds_indexes Check row indexes
check_bestpreds_obs Check observeds
check_bestpreds_preds Check predictions
check_bestpreds_resamples Check resamples
check_caretList_classes Checks caretList model classes
check_caretList_model_types Checks that caretList models are all of the same type.
dotplot.caretStack Comparison dotplot for a caretStack object
extractBestPreds Extract the best predictions from a list of train objects
extractCaretTarget Extracts the target variable from a set of arguments headed to the caret::train function.
extractCaretTarget.default Extracts the target variable from a set of arguments headed to the caret::train.default function.
extractCaretTarget.formula Extracts the target variable from a set of arguments headed to the caret::train.formula function.
extractModelName Extract the method name associated with a single train object
extractModelTypes Extracts the model types from a list of train model
extractModFrame Extract a dataframe of all predictors used in a caretEnsemble object.
extractModRes Extract the model accuracy metrics of the individual models in an ensemble object.
fortify Supplement the data fitted to a caret ensemble model with model fit statistics
getBinaryTargetLevel Return the configured target binary class level
getMetric Extract accuracy metrics from a model
getMetric.train Extract accuracy metrics from a model
getMetricSD Extract accuracy metrics from a model
getMetricSD.train Extract accuracy metrics from a model
is.caretEnsemble Check if an object is a caretEnsemble object
is.caretList Check if an object is a caretList object
is.caretStack Check if an object is a caretStack object
makePredObsMatrix Make a prediction matrix from a list of models
methodCheck Check that the methods supplied by the user are valid caret methods
models.class caretList of classification models
models.reg caretList of classification models
multiResiduals Calculate the residuals from all component models of a caretEnsemble.
plot.caretEnsemble Plot Diagnostics for an caretEnsemble Object
plot.caretStack Plot a caretStack object
predict.caretList Create a matrix of predictions for each of the models in a caretList
predict.caretStack Make predictions from a caretStack
print.caretStack Print a caretStack object
residuals.caretEnsemble Calculate the residuals from a caretEnsemble.
setBinaryTargetLevel Set the target binary class level
summary.caretEnsemble Summarize the results of caretEnsemble for the user.
summary.caretStack Summarize a caretStack object
trControlCheck Check that the trainControl object supplied by the user is valid and has defined re-sampling indexes.
tuneCheck Check that the tuning parameters list supplied by the user is valid
validateBinaryTargetLevel Validate arguments given as binary target level
validateCustomModel Validate a custom caret model info list
varImp.caretEnsemble Calculate the variable importance of variables in a caretEnsemble.
wtd.sd Calculate a weighted standard deviation
X.class caretList of classification models
X.reg caretList of classification models
Y.class caretList of classification models
Y.reg caretList of classification models
[.caretList Index a caretList