train {caret} | R Documentation |
Fit Predictive Models over Different Tuning Parameters
This function sets up a grid of tuning parameters for a number of classification and regression routines, fits each model and calculates a resampling based performance measure.
train(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
method = "rf",
preProcess = NULL,
weights = NULL,
metric = ifelse(is.factor(y), "Accuracy", "RMSE"),
maximize = ifelse(metric %in% c("RMSE", "logLoss", "MAE", "logLoss"), FALSE, TRUE),
trControl = trainControl(),
tuneGrid = NULL,
tuneLength = ifelse(trControl$method == "none", 1, 3)
## S3 method for class 'formula'
train(form, data, ..., weights, subset, na.action =, contrasts = NULL)
## S3 method for class 'recipe'
method = "rf",
metric = ifelse(is.factor(y_dat), "Accuracy", "RMSE"),
maximize = ifelse(metric %in% c("RMSE", "logLoss", "MAE"), FALSE, TRUE),
trControl = trainControl(),
tuneGrid = NULL,
tuneLength = ifelse(trControl$method == "none", 1, 3)
x |
For the default method, |
... |
Arguments passed to the classification or
regression routine (such as
y |
A numeric or factor vector containing the outcome for each sample. |
method |
A string specifying which classification or
regression model to use. Possible values are found using
preProcess |
A string vector that defines a pre-processing
of the predictor data. Current possibilities are "BoxCox",
"YeoJohnson", "expoTrans", "center", "scale", "range",
"knnImpute", "bagImpute", "medianImpute", "pca", "ica" and
"spatialSign". The default is no pre-processing. See
weights |
A numeric vector of case weights. This argument will only affect models that allow case weights. |
metric |
A string that specifies what summary metric will
be used to select the optimal model. By default, possible values
are "RMSE" and "Rsquared" for regression and "Accuracy" and
"Kappa" for classification. If custom performance metrics are
used (via the |
maximize |
A logical: should the metric be maximized or minimized? |
trControl |
A list of values that define how this function
acts. See |
tuneGrid |
A data frame with possible tuning values. The
columns are named the same as the tuning parameters. Use
tuneLength |
An integer denoting the amount of granularity
in the tuning parameter grid. By default, this argument is the
number of levels for each tuning parameters that should be
generated by |
form |
A formula of the form |
data |
Data frame from which variables specified in
subset |
An index vector specifying the cases to be used in the training sample. (NOTE: If given, this argument must be named.) |
na.action |
A function to specify the action to be taken
if NAs are found. The default action is for the procedure to
fail. An alternative is |
contrasts |
A list of contrasts to be used for some or all the factors appearing as variables in the model formula. |
can be used to tune models by picking the
complexity parameters that are associated with the optimal
resampling statistics. For particular model, a grid of
parameters (if any) is created and the model is trained on
slightly different data for each candidate combination of tuning
parameters. Across each data set, the performance of held-out
samples is calculated and the mean and standard deviation is
summarized for each combination. The combination with the
optimal resampling statistic is chosen as the final model and
the entire training set is used to fit a final model.
The predictors in x
can be most any object as long as
the underlying model fit function can deal with the object
class. The function was designed to work with simple matrices
and data frame inputs, so some functionality may not work (e.g.
pre-processing). When using string kernels, the vector of
character strings should be converted to a matrix with a single
More details on this function can be found at
A variety of models are currently available and are enumerated by tag (i.e. their model characteristics) at
More details on using recipes can be found at
Note that case weights can be passed into train
using a
role of "case weight"
for a single variable. Also, if
there are non-predictor columns that should be used when
determining the model's performance metrics, the role of
"performance var"
can be used with multiple columns and
these will be made available during resampling to the
A list is returned of class train
method |
The chosen model. |
modelType |
An identifier of the model type. |
results |
A data frame the training error rate and values of the tuning parameters. |
bestTune |
A data frame with the final parameters. |
call |
The (matched) function call with dots expanded |
dots |
A list containing any ... values passed to the original call |
metric |
A string that specifies what summary metric will be used to select the optimal model. |
control |
The list of control parameters. |
preProcess |
Either |
finalModel |
A fit object using the best parameters |
trainingData |
A data frame |
resample |
A data frame with columns for each performance
metric. Each row corresponds to each resample. If leave-one-out
cross-validation or out-of-bag estimation methods are requested,
this will be |
perfNames |
A character vector of performance metrics that are produced by the summary function |
maximize |
A logical recycled from the function arguments. |
yLimits |
The range of the training set outcomes. |
times |
A list of execution times: |
Max Kuhn (the guts of train.formula
were based
on Ripley's nnet.formula
Kuhn (2008), “Building Predictive Models in R Using the caret” (doi:10.18637/jss.v028.i05)
See Also
, trainControl
, modelLookup
, recipe
## Not run:
## Classification Example
TrainData <- iris[,1:4]
TrainClasses <- iris[,5]
knnFit1 <- train(TrainData, TrainClasses,
method = "knn",
preProcess = c("center", "scale"),
tuneLength = 10,
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv"))
knnFit2 <- train(TrainData, TrainClasses,
method = "knn",
preProcess = c("center", "scale"),
tuneLength = 10,
trControl = trainControl(method = "boot"))
nnetFit <- train(TrainData, TrainClasses,
method = "nnet",
preProcess = "range",
tuneLength = 2,
trace = FALSE,
maxit = 100)
## Regression Example
lmFit <- train(medv ~ . + rm:lstat,
data = BostonHousing,
method = "lm")
rpartFit <- train(medv ~ .,
data = BostonHousing,
method = "rpart",
tuneLength = 9)
## Example with a custom metric
madSummary <- function (data,
lev = NULL,
model = NULL) {
out <- mad(data$obs - data$pred,
na.rm = TRUE)
names(out) <- "MAD"
robustControl <- trainControl(summaryFunction = madSummary)
marsGrid <- expand.grid(degree = 1, nprune = (1:10) * 2)
earthFit <- train(medv ~ .,
data = BostonHousing,
method = "earth",
tuneGrid = marsGrid,
metric = "MAD",
maximize = FALSE,
trControl = robustControl)
## Example with a recipe
cox2 <- cox2Descr
cox2$potency <- cox2IC50
cox2_recipe <- recipe(potency ~ ., data = cox2) %>%
## Log the outcome
step_log(potency, base = 10) %>%
## Remove sparse and unbalanced predictors
step_nzv(all_predictors()) %>%
## Surface area predictors are highly correlated so
## conduct PCA just on these.
step_pca(contains("VSA"), prefix = "surf_area_",
threshold = .95) %>%
## Remove other highly correlated predictors
step_corr(all_predictors(), -starts_with("surf_area_"),
threshold = .90) %>%
## Center and scale all of the non-PCA predictors
step_center(all_predictors(), -starts_with("surf_area_")) %>%
step_scale(all_predictors(), -starts_with("surf_area_"))
cox2_lm <- train(cox2_recipe,
data = cox2,
method = "lm",
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv"))
## Parallel Processing Example via multicore package
## library(doMC)
## registerDoMC(2)
## NOTE: don't run models form RWeka when using
### multicore. The session will crash.
## The code for train() does not change:
usingMC <- train(medv ~ .,
data = BostonHousing,
method = "glmboost")
## or use:
## library(doMPI) or
## library(doParallel) or
## library(doSMP) and so on
## End(Not run)