setup_parms {care4cmodel}R Documentation

Parameter Setup


Given a c4c_concept concept definition, a list of parameter elements is handed back. This information is required for simulations and subsequent evaluations.





Concept definition as a c4c_concept object


The element risk as part of the output describe as 'normal' risk as assumed for the silvicultural concept defined in concept_def. This can be adjusted with the parameter avg_event_strength of the function setup_risk_events, which has to be called in any case after the parameter setup.


A list with three elements. The first, dwell_time, is a vector of dwell times for each subphase area, i.e. it indicates the average time a unit area is dwelling in this subphase (assuming an exponential distribution over time). The second element, risk, is a vector of the same length and order. It represents, for each subphase area, the average relative loss rate per year. It is derived from the cumulative survival probabilities (survival_com) given in the data frame growth_and_yield which is part of the concept definition (concept_def). The third element, phase_indexes, is a tibble which contains, for each stand development phase in concept_def, a vector of indexes which can be used to easier access the phase wise information in the different kinds of simulation outputs.


  parms <- pine_thinning_from_above_1 |> setup_parms()

[Package care4cmodel version 1.0.2 Index]