Collection of Data Structures

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Documentation for package ‘cardinalR’ version 0.1.1

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cell_cycle Generate Cell Cycle Data with Noise
clust_diff_shapes Generate Clusters with Different Shapes
clust_diff_shapes_pts Generate Clusters with Different Shapes and Different Number of Points
conic_spiral_3d Generate data points along a conic spiral curve with optional noise.
conic_spiral_3d_row Generate points on a conic spiral in 3D space.
cube_3d Generate a 3D cube with optional noise.
curvy_branch Generate Curvy Branching Clusters with Noise
curvy_branch_clust Generate Curvy Branching Cluster Data
curvy_branch_clust_bkg Generate Curvy Branching Cluster Data with Background Noise
curvy_cycle Generate Curvy Cell Cycle Data with Noise
curvy_tree Generate Curvy Tree Data with Noise
curv_2d Generate points on a curvilinear 2D manifold
diff_sphere Generate data representing small spheres within a larger encompassing sphere with added noise.
dini_surface_3d Generate points sampled from the Dini surface with optional noise.
dini_surface_3d_row Generate points on a Dini's surface.
eight_branch Generate Eight Branching Data with Noise
four_branch Generate Four-Branching Data with Noise
four_long_clust Generate Four Different Long Clusters with Noise
four_long_clust_bkg Generate Four Long Clusters with Background Noise
gau_clust Generate synthetic data with Gaussian clusters
gau_clust_diff Generate Gaussian Clusters with Different Points
gau_curvy_clust Generate Cluster and Curvilinear Data with Noise
gau_curvy_clust_bkg Generate Clusters and Curvilinear Data with Noise
gen_bkg_noise Generate Background Noise Data
gen_noise_dims Generate Random Noise Dimensions
mirror_scurves Generate Mirror S-curve Datasets with Noise
mobius_5d Generate a 5-D Mobius Strip
mobius_5d_row Generate a Single Row for a 5-D Mobius Strip
mobius_clust Generate Mobius Cluster with Noise
mobius_clust_data Mobius clust dataset with noise dimensions
mobius_clust_tsne_param1 tSNE embedding for mobius_clust_data dataset which with noise dimensions tSNE parameters set to perplexity: 15.
mobius_clust_tsne_param2 tSNE embedding for mobius_clust_data dataset which with noise dimensions tSNE parameters set to perplexity: 30.
mobius_clust_tsne_param3 tSNE embedding for mobius_clust_data dataset which with noise dimensions tSNE parameters set to perplexity: 5.
mobius_clust_umap_param1 UMAP embedding for mobius_clust_data dataset which with noise dimensions UMAP parameters set to n-neigbors: 15 and min-dist: 0.1.
mobius_clust_umap_param2 UMAP embedding for mobius_clust_data dataset which with noise dimensions UMAP parameters set to n-neigbors: 30 and min-dist: 0.08.
mobius_clust_umap_param3 UMAP embedding for mobius_clust_data dataset which with noise dimensions UMAP parameters set to n-neigbors: 5 and min-dist: 0.9.
nonlinear_2d Generate points on a nonlinear 2D manifold
nonlinear_connect Generate Nonlinear Connected Data with Noise
nonlinear_mirror Generate Nonlinear Mirror Data with Noise
one_doublet Generate Doublets with Noise
one_doublet_bkg Generate Doublets with Background Noise
one_doublet_diff_patterns Generate Doublets with Different Pattern Clusters and Noise
one_doublet_diff_var_clust Generate Doublets with Different Variance Clusters and Noise
one_doublet_four_clusts Generate Doublets with Four Clusters and Noise
one_grid Generate Grid Data with Noise
one_grid_bkg Generate One Grid with Different Values and Background Noise
plane Generate points on a plane in 2D space
plane_2d_hole Generate 2D Plane with Hole and Noise
roman_surface_3d Generate data points on a Roman surface with optional noise.
roman_surface_3d_row Generate points on a Roman surface in 3D space.
scurve Generate S-curve Data
scurve_hole Generate S-curve Data with a Hole
seven_branch Generate Seven-Branching Data with Noise
sine_curve Generate Sine Curve Data with Noise
sphere Generate Coordinates for a Sphere
spiral_3d Generate a spiral dataset with optional noise.
swiss_roll Generate Swiss Roll Data
three_circulars Generate Three Circular Clusters with Noise
three_clust_diff_dist Generate three clusters of data points with optional noise.
three_clust_mirror Generate Three Cluster Mirror with Noise
three_diff_linear Generate Three Different Linear Data with Noise
three_doublets Generate Doublets with Three Clusters and Noise
three_grid Generate Three Grids with Noise
three_long_clust Generate Three Linear Clusters with Noise
three_nonlinear Generate Three Nonlinear Clusters with Noise
torus_3d Generate a torus-shaped dataset with optional noise.
torus_3d_row Generate a row of data points for a 3D torus.
tree Generate Tree-like Data with Noise
tri_3d Generate Triangular 3D Datasets with Noise
tri_plane_bkg Generate Triangular Plane with Background Noise
two_circulars Generate Linked Data
two_curvilinear Generate Two Curvilinear Data with Noise
two_curvy Generate Two Curvilinear Clusters with Noise
two_curvy_diff_pts Generate Two Curvilinear Differentiated Clusters with Noise
two_curvy_panckakes Generate Two Curvy Pancakes with Noise
two_doublets_bkg Generate Two Doublets with Background Noise
two_doublets_parallel Generate Doublets in Parallel with Noise
two_grid Generate Two Grids with Noise
two_grid_comb Generate One Grid with Different Offset
two_grid_comb_bkg Generate Two Grids with Background Noise
two_long_clust Generate Long Cluster Data
two_long_clust_diff Generate Two Linear Differentiated Clusters with Noise
two_nonlinear Generate Two Nonlinear Clusters with Noise
two_scurves Generate Two S-curve Datasets with Noise
two_scurve_hole Generate Two S-Curve Data with Noise