evalRand {carat}R Documentation

Evaluation of Randomization Procedures


Evaluates a specific randomization procedure based on several different quantities of imbalances.


evalRand(data, method = "HuHuCAR", N = 500, ...)



a data frame. A row of the dataframe corresponds to the covariate profile of a patient.


the iteration number. The default is 500.


the randomization procedure to be evaluated. This package provides assessment for "HuHuCAR", "PocSimMIN", "StrBCD", "StrPBR", "AdjBCD", and "DoptBCD".


arguments to be passed to method. These arguments depend on the randomization method assessed and the following arguments are accepted:


a vector of weights at the overall, within-stratum, and within-covariate-margin levels. It is required that at least one element is larger than 0. Note that omega is only needed when HuHuCAR is to be assessed.


a vector of weights for within-covariate-margin imbalances. It is required that at least one element is larger than 0. Note that weight is only needed when PocSimMIN is to be assessed.


the biased coin probability. p should be larger than 1/2 and less than 1. Note that p is only needed when "HuHuCAR", "PocSimMIN" and "StrBCD" are to be assessed.


a design parameter governing the degree of randomness. Note that a is only needed when "AdjBCD" is to be assessed.


the block size for stratified permuted block randomization. It is required to be a multiple of 2. Note that bsize is only needed when "StrPBR" is to be assessed.


The data is designed for N times using method.


It returns an object of class "careval".

An object of class "careval" is a list containing the following components:


a bool indicating whether the data is a numeric data frame.


a vector giving the weights imposed on each covariate.


the block size.


a character string giving the name(s) of the included covariates.


a n*N matrix containing assignments for each patient for N iterations.


the number of strata.

All strata

a matrix containing all strata involved.


a matrix containing maximum, 95%-quantile, median, and mean of absolute imbalances at overall, within-stratum and within-covariate-margin levels. Note that, we refer users to the iith column of `All strata` for details of level i,i=1,,i, i=1,\ldots,strt_num.


a matrix with N colunms containing the number of patients in each stratum for each iteration.


the randomization method to be evaluated.


the number of covariates.


a vector of level numbers for each covariate.


the number of patients.


the number of iterations.

Data Type

the data type. Real or Simulated.


a matrix containing the final differences at the overall, within-stratum, and within-covariate-margin levels for each iteration.


the data frame.


Atkinson A C. Optimum biased coin designs for sequential clinical trials with prognostic factors[J]. Biometrika, 1982, 69(1): 61-67.

Baldi Antognini A, Zagoraiou M. The covariate-adaptive biased coin design for balancing clinical trials in the presence of prognostic factors[J]. Biometrika, 2011, 98(3): 519-535.

Hu Y, Hu F. Asymptotic properties of covariate-adaptive randomization[J]. The Annals of Statistics, 2012, 40(3): 1794-1815.

Ma W, Ye X, Tu F, Hu F. carat: Covariate-Adaptive Randomization for Clinical Trials[J]. Journal of Statistical Software, 2023, 107(2): 1-47.

Pocock S J, Simon R. Sequential treatment assignment with balancing for prognostic factors in the controlled clinical trial[J]. Biometrics, 1975: 103-115.

Shao J, Yu X, Zhong B. A theory for testing hypotheses under covariate-adaptive randomization[J]. Biometrika, 2010, 97(2): 347-360.

Zelen M. The randomization and stratification of patients to clinical trials[J]. Journal of chronic diseases, 1974, 27(7): 365-375.

See Also

See evalRand.sim to evaluate a randomization procedure with covariate data generating mechanism.


# a simple use
## Access by real data
## create a dataframe
df <- data.frame("gender" = sample(c("female", "male"), 1000, TRUE, c(1 / 3, 2 / 3)), 
                 "age" = sample(c("0-30", "30-50", ">50"), 1000, TRUE), 
                 "jobs" = sample(c("stu.", "teac.", "others"), 1000, TRUE), 
                 stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
Res <- evalRand(data = df, method = "HuHuCAR", N = 500, 
                omega = c(1, 2, rep(1, ncol(df))), p = 0.85)
## view the output

  ## view all patients' assignments

## Assess by simulated data
cov_num <- 3
level_num <- c(2, 3, 5)
pr <- c(0.35, 0.65, 0.25, 0.35, 0.4, 0.25, 0.15, 0.2, 0.15, 0.25)
n <- 1000
N <- 50
omega = c(1, 2, 1, 1, 2)
# assess Hu and Hu's procedure with the same group of patients
Res.sim <- evalRand.sim(n = n, N = N, Replace = FALSE, cov_num = cov_num, 
                        level_num = level_num, pr = pr, method = "HuHuCAR", 
                        omega, p = 0.85)
  ## Compare four procedures
  cov_num <- 3
  level_num <- c(2, 10, 2)
  pr <- c(rep(0.5, times = 2), rep(0.1, times = 10), rep(0.5, times = 2))
  n <- 100
  N <- 200 # <<adjust according to CPU
  bsize <- 4
  ## set weights for HuHuCAR
  omega <- c(1, 2, rep(1, cov_num)); 
  ## set weights for PocSimMIN
  weight = rep(1, cov_num); 
  ## set biased probability
  p = 0.80
  # assess Hu and Hu's procedure
  RH <- evalRand.sim(n = n, N = N, Replace = FALSE, cov_num = cov_num, 
                     level_num = level_num, pr = pr, method = "HuHuCAR", 
                     omega = omega, p = p)
  # assess Pocock and Simon's method
  RPS <- evalRand.sim(n = n, N = N, Replace = FALSE, cov_num = cov_num, 
                      level_num = level_num, pr = pr, method = "PocSimMIN", 
                      weight, p = p)
  # assess Shao's procedure
  RS <- evalRand.sim(n = n, N = N, Replace = FALSE, cov_num = cov_num, 
                     level_num = level_num, pr = pr, method = "StrBCD", 
                     p = p)
  # assess stratified randomization
  RSR <- evalRand.sim(n = n, N = N, Replace = FALSE, cov_num = cov_num, 
                      level_num = level_num, pr = pr, method = "StrPBR", 
  # create containers
  C_M = C_O = C_WS = matrix(NA, nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
  colnames(C_M) = colnames(C_O) = colnames(C_WS) = 
    c("max", "95%quan", "med", "mean")
  rownames(C_M) = rownames(C_O) = rownames(C_WS) = 
    c("HH", "PocSim", "Shao", "StraRand")
  # assess the overall imbalance
  C_O[1, ] = RH$Imb[1, ]
  C_O[2, ] = RPS$Imb[1, ]
  C_O[3, ] = RS$Imb[1, ]
  C_O[4, ] = RSR$Imb[1, ]
  # view the result
  # assess the marginal imbalances
  C_M[1, ] = apply(RH$Imb[(1 + RH$strt_num) : (1 + RH$strt_num + sum(level_num)), ], 2, mean)
  C_M[2, ] = apply(RPS$Imb[(1 + RPS$strt_num) : (1 + RPS$strt_num + sum(level_num)), ], 2, mean)
  C_M[3, ] = apply(RS$Imb[(1 + RS$strt_num) : (1 + RS$strt_num + sum(level_num)), ], 2, mean)
  C_M[4, ] = apply(RSR$Imb[(1 + RSR$strt_num) : (1 + RSR$strt_num + sum(level_num)), ], 2, mean)
  # view the result
  # assess the within-stratum imbalances
  C_WS[1, ] = apply(RH$Imb[2 : (1 + RH$strt_num), ], 2, mean)
  C_WS[2, ] = apply(RPS$Imb[2 : (1 + RPS$strt_num), ], 2, mean)
  C_WS[3, ] = apply(RS$Imb[2 : (1 + RS$strt_num), ], 2, mean)
  C_WS[4, ] = apply(RSR$Imb[2 : (1 + RSR$strt_num), ], 2, mean)
  # view the result
  # Compare the four procedures through plots
  meth = rep(c("Hu", "PS", "Shao", "STR"), times = 3)
  shape <- rep(1 : 4, times = 3)
  crt <- rep(1 : 3, each = 4)
  crt_c <- rep(c("O", "M", "WS"), each = 4)
  mean <- c(C_O[, 4], C_M[, 4], C_WS[, 4])
  df_1 <- data.frame(meth, shape, crt, crt_c, mean, 
                     stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  p1 <- ggplot(df_1, aes(x = meth, y = mean, color = crt_c, group = crt,
                         linetype = crt_c, shape = crt_c)) +
    geom_line(size = 1) +
    geom_point(size = 2) +
    xlab("method") +
    ylab("absolute mean") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

[Package carat version 2.2.1 Index]