%out% |
Inverted match |
abbrev_full |
Abbreviate full strings |
abbrev_state |
Abbreviate US state names |
add_prop |
Add proportions |
all_files_new |
Check if all files in a directory are new |
check_city |
Check whether an input is a valid place with Google Maps API |
col_date_mdy |
Parse USA date columns in readr functions |
col_date_usa |
Parse USA date columns in readr functions |
col_stats |
Apply a statistic function to all column vectors |
count_diff |
Count set difference |
count_in |
Count in |
count_na |
Count missing |
count_out |
Count out |
dark2 |
Dark Color Palette |
expand_abbrev |
Expand Abbreviations |
expand_state |
Expand US state names |
explore_plot |
Create Basic Barplots |
extra_city |
Additional US City Names |
fetch_city |
Return Closest Match Result of Cities from Google Maps API |
file_age |
File modification date age |
file_encoding |
File Encoding |
flag_dupes |
Flag Duplicate Rows With New Column |
flag_na |
Flag Missing Values With New Column |
flush_memory |
Flush Garbage Memory |
glimpse_fun |
Apply a statistic function to all column vectors |
guess_delim |
Guess the delimiter of a text file |
invalid_city |
Invalid City Names |
invert_named |
Invert a named vector |
is_abbrev |
Check if abbreviation |
is_binary |
Check if Binary |
is_even |
Check if even |
keypad_convert |
Convert letters or numbers to their keypad counterpart |
most_common |
Find most common values |
na_in |
Remove in |
na_out |
Remove out |
na_rep |
Remove repeated character elements |
non_ascii |
Show non-ASCII lines of file |
normal_address |
Normalize street addresses |
normal_city |
Normalize city names |
normal_phone |
Normalize phone number |
normal_state |
Normalize US State Abbreviations |
normal_zip |
Normalize ZIP codes |
path.abbrev |
Abbreviate a file path |
progress_table |
Create a progress table |
prop_distinct |
Proportion missing |
prop_in |
Proportion in |
prop_na |
Proportion missing |
prop_out |
Proportion out |
read_names |
Read column names |
rename_prefix |
Convert data frame name suffixes to prefixes |
rx_break |
Form a word break regex pattern |
rx_phone |
Phone number regex |
rx_state |
State regex |
rx_url |
URL regex |
rx_zip |
ZIP code regex |
scale_x_truncate |
Truncate and wrap x-axis labels |
scale_x_wrap |
Truncate and wrap x-axis labels |
str_dist |
Calculate string distance |
str_normal |
Normalize a character string |
this_file_new |
Check if a single file is new |
url2path |
Make a File Path from a URL |
url_file_size |
Check a URL file size |
use_diary |
Create a new template data diary |
usps_city |
USPS City Abbreviations |
usps_state |
USPS State Abbreviations |
usps_street |
USPS Street Abbreviations |
valid_abb |
US State Abbreviations |
valid_city |
US City Names |
valid_name |
US State Names |
valid_state |
US State Abbreviations |
valid_zip |
Almost all of the valid USA ZIP Codes |
what_in |
Which in |
what_out |
Which out |
zipcodes |
US City, state, and ZIP |