schooling {camerondata} | R Documentation |
Returns to schooling
Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Men. Cohort includes 3,010 males aged 24 to 34 years old in 1976, who were ages 14-24 when first interviewed in 1966. Cameron and Trivedi (2005)
A data frame with 5226 observations and 101 variables:
- id
identification code
- black
= 1 if black race
- imigrnt
= 1 if born in the US
- hhead
person lived with at age 14 (in 1966)
- mag_14
= 1 if magazines available at age 14
- news_14
= 1 if newspapers available at age 14
- lib_14
= 1 if library card available at age 14
- num_sib
total number of siblings
- fgrade
highest grade completed by father (1966)
- mgrade
highest grade completed by mother (1966)
- iq
IQ score in 1968
- bdate
date of birth
- gfill76
highest grade completed 1976, some values filled from prevs reports
- wt76
sampling weights 1976
- grade76
highest grade completed in 1976
- grade66
highest grade completed in 1966
- age76
age in 1976
- age66
age in 1966
- smsa76
current residence, = 1 if lived in central city in 1976
- smsa66
current residence, = 1 if lived in central city in 1966
- region
census region in 1966
- col4
= 1 if there is a 4-year college nearby
- mcol4
= 1 if male 4-year college nearby
- col4pub
= 1 if public 4-year college nearby
- south76
= 1 if lived in South in 1976
- wage76
hourly wage in 1976, ln
- exp76
work experience in 1976, years calculated as (10 + age66) - grade76 - 6
- expsq76
experience 1976 squared, exp76^2/100
- agesq76
age squared (1976)
- reg1
region, = 1 if lived in region NE
- reg2
region, = 1 if lived in region MidAtl
- reg3
region, = 1 if lived in region ENC
- reg4
region, = 1 if lived in region WNC
- reg5
region, = 1 if lived in region SA
- reg6
region, = 1 if lived in region ESC
- reg7
region, = 1 if lived in region WSC
- reg8
region, = 1 if lived in region M
- reg9
region, = 1 if lived in region P
- momdad14
= 1 if lived with both parents at age 14
- sinmom14
= 1 if lived with mother only at age 14
- nodaded
= 1 if father has no formal education
- nomomed
= 1 if mother has no formal education
- daded
mean grade level of father
- momed
mean grade level of mother
- famed
father's and mother's education
- famed1
= 1 if mgrade> 12 & fgrade> 12
- famed2
= 1 if mgrade>=12 & fgrade>=12
- famed3
= 1 if mgrade==12 & fgrade==12
- famed4
= 1 if mgrade>=12 & fgrade==-1
- famed5
= 1 if fgrade>=12
- famed6
= 1 if mgrade>=12 & fgrade> -1
- famed7
= 1 if mgrade>=9 & fgrade>=9
- famed8
= 1 if mgrade> -1 & fgrade> -1
- famed9
= 1 if famed not in range 1-8
- int76
= 1 if wt76 not missing
- age1415
= 1 if in age group 14-15
- age1617
= 1 if in age group 16-17
- age1819
= 1 if in age group 18-19
- age2021
= 1 if in age group 20-21
- age2224
= 1 if in age group 22-24
- cage1415
= 1 if in age group 14-15 and lived near college
- cage1617
= 1 = 1 if in age group 16-17 and lived near college
- cage1819
= 1 if in age group 18-19 and lived near college
- cage2021
= 1 if in age group 20-21 and lived near college
- cage2224
= 1 if in age group 22-24 and lived near college
- cage66
age in 1966 and lived near college
- a1
= 1 if age in 1966 is 14
- a2
= 1 if age in 1966 is 15
- a3
= 1 if age in 1966 is 16
- a4
= 1 if age in 1966 is 17
- a5
= 1 if age in 1966 is 18
- a6
= 1 if age in 1966 is 19
- a7
= 1 if age in 1966 is 20
- a8
= 1 if age in 1966 is 21
- a9
= 1 if age in 1966 is 22
- a10
= 1 if age in 1966 is 23
- a11
= 1 if age in 1966 is 24
- ca1
= 1 if did not live near college in 1966
- ca2
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 14
- ca3
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 15
- ca4
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 16
- ca5
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 17
- ca6
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 18
- ca7
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 19
- ca8
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 20
- ca9
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 21
- ca10
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 22
- ca11
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 23
- ca12
= 1 if lived near college and age in 1966 = 24
- g25
grade level when 25 years old
- g25i
= 1 if =g25 and intrvwed in year used for determining g25
- intmo66
interview month in 1966, used to identify cases incl by Card
- nlsflt
flag to identify if the case was used by Card
- nsib
number of siblings
- ns1
= 1 if the person has no siblings
- ns2
= 1 if number of siblings is 2
- ns3
= 1 if number of siblings is 3
- ns4
= 1 if number of siblings is 4
- ns5
= 1 if number of siblings is 6
- ns6
= 1 if number of siblings is 9
- ns7
= 1 if number of siblings is 18
Section in Text
4.9.6 Instrumental Variables Application, pp. 110-2
Cameron, A. and Trivedi, P. (2005), "Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications," Cambridge University Press, New York.
Card, D. (1995), "Using Geographic Variation in College Proximity to Estimate the Returns to Schooling", in Aspects of Labor Market Behavior: Essays in Honor of John Vanderkamp, eds. L.N. Christofides et al., Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp.201-221.
Kling, J.R. (2001) "Interpreting Instrumental Variables Estimates of the Return to Schooling," Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 19, 358-364.