call.detect.multiple {callsync} | R Documentation |
Detects multiple calls in a wave object using an amplitude envelope.
threshold = 0.3,
msmooth = c(500, 95),
plot_it = FALSE,
min_dur = 0.1,
max_dur = 0.3,
save_extra = 0,
env_type = "Hilbert",
bin_depth = 512,
merge_overlap = FALSE
wave |
wave object, e.g., from 'load.wave' or 'readWave'. |
threshold |
rector of length 1 or 2. The fraction of the maximum of the normalised envelope to use as threshold to detect start and end. If a vector of length 2 is supplied, the first is used to detect the start and the second to detect the end (in case of echo). |
msmooth |
used as argument for the 'seewave::env' function. *A vector of length 2 to smooth the amplitude envelope with a mean sliding window. The first component is the window length (in number of points). The second component is the overlap between successive windows (in %).* Default is 'c(500, 95)'. |
plot_it |
logical, if 'TRUE', returns three-panel plot of wave form, envelope and spectrogram to current plotting window. Default is 'FALSE'. |
min_dur |
numeric, the minimal duration in seconds for a detection to be saved. Default is '0.1'. |
max_dur |
numeric, the maximal duration in seconds for a detection to be saved. Default is '0.3'. |
save_extra |
numeric, how much to add to start and end time in seconds. Can be used to make sure the whole vocalisation is included. |
env_type |
character, what type of envelope to calculate. If 'Hilbert' returns the modulus (Mod) of the analytical signal of wave obtained through the Hilbert transform (hilbert) using seewave::env. If 'summed' returns the summed absolute amplitude. Default is 'Hilbert'. |
bin_depth |
numeric, how many samples to sum if env_type is 'summed'. Default is '512'. |
merge_overlap |
logical, if 'TRUE' overlapping detections (due to 'save_extra') are merged. Default is 'FALSE'. |
Returns a data frame with start = start time in samples and end = end time in samples for each detection. Optionally also plots the wave form and detections to current window.
path_git = ''
path_repo = '/simeonqs/callsync/master/tests/testthat/files'
file_1 = '/wave_1.wav'
url_1 = paste0(path_git, path_repo, file_1)
local_file_1 = paste(tempdir(), file_1, sep = '/')
download.file(url_1, destfile = local_file_1, mode = 'wb',)
wave = readWave(local_file_1)
cd = call.detect.multiple(wave)