E.theta.toy {calibrator}R Documentation

Expectation and variance with respect to theta


Function E.theta.toy returns expectation of H_1(D) with respect to θ\theta; Edash.theta.toy returns expectation with respect to EE'. Function E.theta.toy also returns information about nonlinear behaviour of h1(x,theta).


E.theta.toy(D2=NULL,  H1=NULL, x1=NULL, x2=NULL, phi, give.mean=TRUE)
Edash.theta.toy(x, t.vec, k,  H1, fast.but.opaque=FALSE, a=NULL, b=NULL,



Observation points


Regression function for D1


hyperparameters. Default value of NULL only to be used in Edash.theta.toy() when fast.but.opaque is TRUE


lat/long point (for Edash.theta.toy)


Matrix whose rows are parameter values (for Edash.theta.toy)


Integer specifying column (for Edash.theta.toy)


In E.theta.toy(), Boolean, with default TRUE meaning to return the mean (expectation), and FALSE meaning to return the “variance”


In Edash.theta.toy(), Boolean, with default FALSE meaning to use a slow but clear method. If TRUE, use faster code but parameters a and b must then be specified


Constant term, needed if fast.but.opaque is TRUE: (Vθ1+2Ωt)1Vθ1mθ\left(V_\theta^{-1}+2\Omega_t\right)^{-1}V_\theta^{-1}m_\theta. Specifying a in advance saves execution time


Linear term, needed if fast.but.opaque is TRUE: 2(Vθ1+2Ωt)1Ωt2\left(V_\theta^{-1}+2\Omega_t\right)^{-1}\Omega_t (multiplied by t[k,] in Edash.theta.toy()).


In E.theta.toy(g=F,...), the value of x in h1(x,θ)h_1(x,\theta). The default value is NULL because in simple cases such as that implemented here, the output is independent of x1 and x2


In E.theta.toy(g=F,...), the value of x in h1(x,θ)h_1(x,\theta)


A terse discussion follows; see the calex.pdf vignette and the 1D case study in directory inst/doc/one/dim/ for more details and examples.

Function E.theta.toy(give.mean=FALSE,...) does not return the variance! The matrix returned is a different size from the variance matrix!

It returns the thing that must be added to crossprod(E_theta(h1(x,theta)),t(E_theta(h1(x,theta)))) to give E_theta(h1(x,theta).t(h1(x,theta))).

In other words, it returns E_theta(h1(x,theta).t(h1(x,theta)))- crossprod(E_theta(h1(x,theta)),t(E_theta(h1(x,theta)))).

If the terms of h1() are of the form c(o,theta) (where o is a vector that is a function of x alone, and independent of theta), then the function will include the variance matrix, in the lower right corner (zeroes elsewhere).

Function E.theta() must be updated if h1.toy() changes: unlike E.theta() and Edash.theta(), it does not “know” where the elements that vary with theta are, nor their (possibly x-dependent) coefficients.

This form of the function requires x1 and x2 arguments, for good form's sake, even though the returned value is independent of x in the toy example. To see why it is necessary to include x, consider a simple case with h1(x,θ)=(1,xθ)Th_1(x,\theta)=(1,x\theta)^T. Now Eθ(h(x,θ))E_\theta\left(h(x,\theta)\right) is just (1,xθ)T(1,x\overline{\theta})^T but


is a 2-by-2 matrix (MM, say) with Eθ(M)=h1(x,θ)h1(x,θ)T+\mboxvariancetermsE_\theta(M)=h_1(x,\overline{\theta})h_1(x,\overline{\theta})^T + \mbox{variance terms}.

Eθ(1xθxθx2θ2) E_\theta\left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & x\theta\\ x\theta & x^2\theta^2 \end{array}\right)

All three functions here are intimately connected to the form of h1.toy() and changing it (or indeed H1.toy()) will usually require rewriting all three functions documented here. Look at the definition of E.theta.toy(give=F), and you will see that even changing the meat of h1.toy() from c(1,x) to c(x,1) would require a redefinition of E.theta.toy(g=F).

The only place that E.theta.toy(g=F) is used is internally in hh.fun().


Robin K. S. Hankin


See Also



E.theta.toy(D2=D2.toy,      H1=H1.toy,phi=phi.toy)
E.theta.toy(D2=D2.toy[1,],  H1=H1.toy,phi=phi.toy)
E.theta.toy(D2=x.toy,       H1=H1.toy,phi=phi.toy)
Edash.theta.toy(x=x.toy,t.vec=t.vec.toy,k=1, H1=H1.toy,phi=phi.toy)

[Package calibrator version 1.2-8 Index]