Automated Parameter Estimation for Complex Models

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Documentation for package ‘calibrar’ version 0.9.0

Help Pages

calibrar-package Automated Calibration for Complex Models
.get_command_argument Get an specific argument from the command line
.read_configuration Read a configuration file.
ahres Adaptative Hierarchical Recombination Evolutionary Strategy (AHR-ES) for derivative-free and black-box optimization
calibrar Automated Calibration for Complex Models
calibrar_demo Demos for the calibrar package
calibrate Sequential parameter estimation for the calibration of complex models
calibrate.default Sequential parameter estimation for the calibration of complex models
calibration_data Get observed data for the calibration of a model
calibration_objFn Create an objective function to be used with optimization routines
calibration_setup Get information to run a calibration using the 'calibrar' package.
fitness Calcuted error measure between observed and simulated data
gaussian_kernel Calculate a discretization of the 2D Gaussian Kernel
gradient Numerical computation of the gradient, with parallel capabilities
objFn Calcuted error measure between observed and simulated data
optim2 General-purpose optimization with parallel numerical gradient computation
optimh General-purpose optimization using heuristic algorithms
sphereN Sphere function with random noise
spline_par Predict time-varying parameters using splines.