Create, Read, Write, and Work with 'iCalander' Files, Calendars and Scheduling Data

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Documentation for package ‘calendar’ version 0.1.0

Help Pages

calendar ics files with R
formats Convenient datetime formats
holidays Example ics file on English and Welsh holidays
ical Create object of class ical
ical_example Minimal example of raw ical data
ical_outlook Example of event data with multi-line description from Outlook
ic_attributes_vec Extract attributes from ical text
ic_bind_list Bind list of named vectors of variable length into data frame
ic_character Convert ical object to character strings of attributes
ic_char_date Convert datetime object to character string
ic_char_datetime Convert datetime object to character string
ic_char_event Convert ical object to character strings of events
ic_dataframe Convert iCal lines of text into a data frame
ic_date Convert ical date into R date
ic_datetime Convert ical datetime into R datetime Z at the end of an ical stamp stands of Zulu time which is UTC = GMT
ic_event Create ical object from properties_core inputs
ic_extract Extract contents of iCal fields
ic_extract_raw Extract raw contents of iCal fields
ic_find Find contents of iCal fields
ic_guid Get an ical GUID
ic_list Convert raw ical text into a list of items
ic_read Read ics file
ic_spec View or download the ical specification
ic_vector Return a named vector from raw iCal text
ic_write Write ics file
properties The key 'properties' that are allowed in ical files
properties_core The key 'properties' that are allowed in ical files
properties_ical ical default VCALENDAR properties in one line vectors.