Calculations for All Common Subsequences

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Documentation for package ‘calACS’ version 2.2.2

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calACSLoose Calculate the total number of all common subsequences between a string and a vector/list of strings. Subsequences can be interrupted by items, i.e. q-w is considered a subsequence of q-e-w-r
calACSStrict Count the total number of all common subsequences between a string and a vector/list of strings. Subsequences cannot be interrupted by any item, i.e. q-w is not considered a subsequence of q-e-w-r due to the interrupting 'e'
lenACSStrict Calculate the length of each common subsequences between a string and a vector/list of strings. Subsequences cannot be interrupted by any item, i.e. q-w is not considered a subsequence of q-e-w-r due to the interrupting 'e'
lenLCSStrict Calculate the length of the longest common subsequence (KCS) between a string and a vector/list of strings. Subsequences cannot be interrupted by any item, i.e. q-w is not considered a subsequence of q-e-w-r due to the interrupting 'e'
longestVec The function takes in multiple vectors of any length, and returns the one with the longest length. The tieBreaker variable controls if the first or the last of the longest vectors gets returned in case there are multiple