cPCG-package {cPCG}R Documentation

Efficient and Customized Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving System of Linear Equations


Solves system of linear equations using (preconditioned) conjugate gradient algorithm, with improved efficiency using Armadillo templated 'C++' linear algebra library, and flexibility for user-specified preconditioning method. Please check <https://github.com/styvon/cPCG> for latest updates.


Functions in this package serve the purpose of solving for x in Ax=bAx = b, where A is a symmetric and positive definite matrix, b is a column vector.

To improve scalability of conjugate gradient methods for larger matrices, the Armadillo templated C++ linear algebra library is used for the implementation. The package also provides flexibility to have user-specified preconditioner options to cater for different optimization needs.


Package: cPCG
Type: Package
Title: Efficient and Customized Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving System of Linear Equations
Version: 1.0
Date: 2018-12-30
Author: Yongwen Zhuang
Maintainer: Yongwen Zhuang <zyongwen@umich.edu>
Description: Solves system of linear equations using (preconditioned) conjugate gradient algorithm, with improved efficiency using Armadillo templated 'C++' linear algebra library, and flexibility for user-specified preconditioning method. Please check <https://github.com/styvon/cPCG> for latest updates.
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)
License: GPL (>= 2)
Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.12.19)
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr

Index of help topics:

cPCG-package            Efficient and Customized Preconditioned
                        Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving System of
                        Linear Equations
cgsolve                 Conjugate gradient method
icc                     Incomplete Cholesky Factorization
pcgsolve                Preconditioned conjugate gradient method


Yongwen Zhuang


[1] Reeves Fletcher and Colin M Reeves. “Function minimization by conjugate gradients”. In: The computer journal 7.2 (1964), pp. 149–154.

[2] David S Kershaw. “The incomplete Cholesky—conjugate gradient method for the iter- ative solution of systems of linear equations”. In: Journal of computational physics 26.1 (1978), pp. 43–65.

[3] Yousef Saad. Iterative methods for sparse linear systems. Vol. 82. siam, 2003.

[4] David Young. “Iterative methods for solving partial difference equations of elliptic type”. In: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 76.1 (1954), pp. 92–111.


  # generate test data
  test_A <- matrix(c(4,1,1,3), ncol = 2)
  test_b <- matrix(1:2, ncol = 1)
  # conjugate gradient method solver
  cgsolve(test_A, test_b, 1e-6, 1000)
  # preconditioned conjugate gradient method solver, 
  # with incomplete Cholesky factorization as preconditioner
  pcgsolve(test_A, test_b, "ICC")

[Package cPCG version 1.0 Index]