Cristin |
Search Cristin API |
CristinMonthly |
Create a month-to-month bibliography of selected units |
CristinSupported |
Check for supported export formats from Cristin to Zotero |
CristinUnits |
create a tibble with information about selected Cristin units |
CristinWrangler |
Wrangle Cristin metadata into Zotero-type format |
DoiCrossref |
Wrangle CrossRef metadata into Zotero-type format |
DoiDatacite |
Wrangle DataCite metadata into Zotero-type format |
Zotero |
Connect to Zotero API |
ZoteroAdd |
Add items to Zotero list |
ZoteroCheck |
Check Zotero library for duplicates |
ZoteroCopy |
Copy collections and items from a Zotero library |
ZoteroCran |
Wrangle CRAN metadata into Zotero-type format |
ZoteroDelete |
Delete collections and items from a Zotero library |
ZoteroDoi |
Use DOI to acquire metadata |
ZoteroExport |
Export Zotero items to bibliography |
ZoteroGet |
Get collections and items from a Zotero library |
ZoteroGov |
Wrangle metadata into Zotero-type format |
ZoteroIndex |
Create an index of Zotero items |
ZoteroIsbn |
Search libraries using ISBN or MMS ID |
ZoteroKey |
Create Zotero key or write token |
ZoteroLibrary |
Access the Zotero library |
ZoteroMatch |
Search or match items using CrossRef |
ZoteroPost |
Post collections and items to a Zotero library |
ZoteroTypes |
List with empty zotero-items |