transaction,-class {businessPlanR}R Documentation

S4 Class transaction


This is a generic class used by subclasses revenue and expense.


## S4 method for signature 'transaction'
  missing = c("rep", "interpol", "0"),
  due_month = NA,
  valid_types = "default",
  .list = list()



The object to initialize.


A character string defining the type of transaction as defined by valid_types.


A character string, custom category for this transaction.


A character string, custom name or ID for this transaction.


If given, the numbers provided via ... (or .list) are not interpreted as the monetary value, but as number of transactions in that month, and the actual fiscal value is calculated by multiplying it with the value given here.


One of "rep", "interpol", or "0". This defines how gaps are filled: If "rep", present values are repeated until the next valid value; if "interpol", missing values are interpolated using approx; if "0", missing values are set to zero.


Character vector to define months where transactions are due. This argument causes previous amounts to be cumulated and thereby postponed to the given month of a year. Combined with e.g. .list this makes it easier to turn monthly amounts into quarterly ones.


A character string, the model types defined by set_types to be used for validation. If "default", pre-defined example types are used.


Numeric values named in YYYY.MM format, defining the transaction amount for a particular month. The resulting object will automatically cover all months from the earliest to the latest among all given values.


An alternative to ... if the values are already present as a list. If both are given, their values will be merged into one list.



A character string, valid values are defined by the subclasses.


A character string, custom category for this transaction.


A character string, custom name or ID for this transaction.


Data frame containing all transactions, each month of each year in a column named YYYY.MM.


A character string, the model types defined by set_types to be used for validation.

Constructor function

Should you need to manually generate objects of this class, the constructor function transaction(...) can be used instead of new("transaction", ...). It uses the same arguments like the initialize() method.

You should either provide exactly one named value for each month of the full scope of the respective business plan, or at least two, representing the first and last value.

Missing values

How missing values are dealt with depends on the value of the missing parameter. By default (missing="rep") a given value will be repeated until a later value comes, which will then be repeated further on. That is, you can define a staring value and only have to provide updated values for months that differ from the previous value. Alternatively, missing="interpol" will interpolate missing values linearly, and missing="0" fills missing values with zeroes.

[Package businessPlanR version 0.1-0 Index]