Beyond the Border - Kernel Density Estimation for Urban Geography

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Documentation for package ‘btb’ version 0.2.0

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btb Beyond the Border - Kernel Density Estimation for Urban Geography
btb_add_centroids Link points to their centroids
btb_add_inspire Creates Inpire names for a grid
btb_ptsToGrid Compute a grid from centroid points
btb_smooth Smoothing with a bisquare kernel or median
constituerGrappes constituerGrappes
constituerMatriceEffectifs constituerMatriceEffectifs
dfPrix_SP95_2016 Unleaded 95 price in France in 2016
dfRestaurantParis Parisian restaurants
dfToGrid Depreciated function of btb_ptsToGrid
kernelSmoothing Depreciated function of btb_smooth
pixel_france France grid with 1km square tiles
reunion Households of Reunion