Bayesian Synthetic Control

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Documentation for package ‘bsynth’ version 1.0

Help Pages

bsynth-package The 'bsynth' package.
.get_par_long Get Parameter Estimates in Long Format
.get_plot_df Returns Data Frame Ready for Plotting with Confidence Intervals
.get_plot_df2 Prepare Data Frame for Plotting with Multiple Treated Units
.get_synth_draws Get Synthetic Draws in Tidy Format for Single Treated Unit
.get_synth_draws3d Get Synthetic Draws in Tidy Format for Multiple Treated Units (3D Array)
.get_synth_draws_predictor_match Get Synthetic Draws in Tidy Format for Single Treated Unit (Predictor Match Model)
.makeWide Convert Data to Wide Format
.plot_tau Plot Treatment Effect Estimate
bayesianFactor Create a Bayesian Synthetic Control Object Using Panel Data
bayesianSynth Create a Bayesian Synthetic Control Object Using Panel Data
bsynth The 'bsynth' package.
time_tiles Time Tiles Plot of Intervention Impact