Bayesian Streaming Record Linkage

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Documentation for package ‘bstrl’ version 1.0.2

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alllinks Return a list of all linked pairs (directly or transitively)
bipartiteRL Perform baseline bipartite record linkage before streaming updates
extractlinks Extract the links from a bstrlstate object into a list of streaminglinks objects.
fromentities Create a streaming link object from known record entity id's
geco_30over_3err Simulated Noisy Records
geco_small Simulated Noisy Records (smaller set)
geco_small_result Example linkage result object for small dataset
islinked Return True/False whether the two record are coreferent
multifileRL Perform multifile record linkage via Gibbs sampling "from scratch"
PPRBupdate Perform a PPRB update of record linkage with a new file
precision Calculate the precision of estimated links relative to true links
recall Calculate the recall of estimated links relative to true links
SMCMCupdate Perform an SMCMC update of record linkage with a new file
thinsamples Thin a bstrlstate object