gibbs_bspline {bsplinePsd}R Documentation

Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler for spectral inference of a stationary time series using a B-spline prior


This function updates the B-spline prior using the Whittle likelihood and obtains samples from the pseudo-posterior to infer the spectral density of a stationary time series.


gibbs_bspline(data, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, k.theta = 0.01, MG = 1,
  G0.alpha = 1, G0.beta = 1, LG = 20, MH = 1, H0.alpha = 1,
  H0.beta = 1, LH = 20, tau.alpha = 0.001, tau.beta = 0.001,
  kmax = 100, k1 = 20, degree = 3)



numeric vector


total number of iterations to run the Markov chain


number of initial iterations to be discarded


thinning number (post-processing)


prior parameter for number of B-spline densities k (proportional to exp(-k.theta*k^2)) in mixture


Dirichlet process base measure constant for weights of B-spline densities in mixture (> 0)

G0.alpha, G0.beta

parameters of Beta base measure of Dirichlet process for weights of B-spline densities in mixture (default is Uniform[0, 1])


truncation parameter of Dirichlet process in stick breaking representation for weights of B-spline densities


Dirichlet process base measure constant for knot placements of B-spline densities (> 0)

H0.alpha, H0.beta

parameters of Beta base measure of Dirichlet process for knot placements of B-spline densities (default is Uniform[0, 1])


truncation parameter of Dirichlet process in stick breaking representation for knot placements of B-spline densities

tau.alpha, tau.beta

prior parameters for tau (Inverse-Gamma)


upper bound for number of B-spline densities in mixture


starting value for k. If k1 = NA then a random starting value between degree + 2 and kmax is selected


positive integer specifying the degree of the B-spline densities (default is 3)


The function gibbs_bspline is an implementation of the (serial version of the) MCMC algorithm presented in Edwards et al. (2018). This algorithm uses a nonparametric B-spline prior to estimate the spectral density of a stationary time series and can be considered a generalisation of the algorithm of Choudhuri et al. (2004), which used the Bernstein polynomial prior. A Dirichlet process prior is used to find the weights for the B-spline densities used in the finite mixture and a seperate and independent Dirichlet process prior used to place knots. The algorithm therefore allows for a data-driven choice of the number of knots/mixtures and their locations.


A list with S3 class 'psd' containing the following components:

psd.median, psd.mean

psd estimates: (pointwise) posterior median and mean

psd.p05, psd.p95

90% pointwise credibility interval

psd.u05, psd.u95

90% uniform credibility interval

k, tau, V, Z, U, X

posterior traces of model parameters


trace of knot placements


trace of log likelihood




integer length of input time series


Edwards, M. C., Meyer, R., and Christensen, N. (2018), Bayesian nonparametric spectral density estimation using B-spline priors, Statistics and Computing, <>.

Choudhuri, N., Ghosal, S., and Roy, A. (2004), Bayesian estimation of the spectral density of a time series, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(468):1050–1059.

See Also



## Not run: 


# Generate AR(1) data with rho = 0.9
n = 128
data = arima.sim(n, model = list(ar = 0.9))
data = data - mean(data)

# Run MCMC (may take some time)
mcmc = gibbs_bspline(data, 10000, 5000)

require(beyondWhittle)  # For psd_arma() function
freq = 2 * pi / n * (1:(n / 2 + 1) - 1)[-c(1, n / 2 + 1)]  # Remove first and last frequency
psd.true = psd_arma(freq, ar = 0.9, ma = numeric(0), sigma2 = 1)  # True PSD
plot(mcmc)  # Plot log PSD (see documentation of plot.psd)
lines(freq, log(psd.true), col = 2, lty = 3, lwd = 2)  # Overlay true PSD

## End(Not run)

[Package bsplinePsd version 0.6.0 Index]