bshazard-package {bshazard}R Documentation

Nonparametric Smoothing of the Hazard Function


The function estimates the hazard function non parametrically from a survival object (possibly adjusted for covariates). The smoothed estimate is based on B-splines from the perspective of generalized linear mixed models. Left truncated and right censoring data are allowed.



Package: bshazard
Type: Package
Title: Nonparametric Smoothing of the Hazard Function
Version: 1.2
Date: 2024-05-10
Author: Paola Rebora,Agus Salim, Marie Reilly
Maintainer: Paola Rebora <>
Depends: R(>= 3.3.3),splines,survival,Epi
Description: The function estimates the hazard function non parametrically from a survival object (possibly adjusted for covariates). The smoothed estimate is based on B-splines from the perspective of generalized linear mixed models. Left truncated and right censoring data are allowed. The package is based on the work in Rebora P (2014) <doi:10.32614/RJ-2014-028>.
License: GPL-2
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-10 11:06:47 UTC; paola.rebora
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-10 10:01:45 UTC

Index of help topics:

bshazard                Nonparametric Smoothing of the Hazard Function
bshazard-package        Nonparametric Smoothing of the Hazard Function
bspois.basic            Functions for internal use of bshazard
plot.bshazard           Plot Method for 'bshazard'
print.bshazard          Print a short summary of the hazard rate
summary.bshazard        Summary of hazard curve


Paola Rebora, Agus Salim, Marie Reilly Maintainer: Paola Rebora <>


Rebora P, Salim A, Reilly M (2014) bshazard: A Flexible Tool for Nonparametric Smoothing of the Hazard Function.The R Journal Vol. 6/2:114-122.

Lee Y, Nelder JA, Pawitan Y (2006). Generalized Linear Models with Random Effects: Unified Analysis via H-likelihood, volume 106. Chapman & Hall/CRC.

Pawitan Y (2001). In All Likelihood: Statistical Modelling and Inference Using Likelihood. Oxford University Press


  fit<-bshazard(Surv(time, status==2) ~ 1,data=lung)

[Package bshazard version 1.2 Index]