mun_female_pop |
Municipality yearly female population estimates per age group |
mun_female_pop_totals |
Municipality yearly female population estimates totals |
mun_male_pop |
Municipality yearly male population estimates per age group |
mun_male_pop_totals |
Municipality yearly male population estimates totals |
mun_pop |
Municipality yearly population estimates per age group |
mun_pop_totals |
Municipality yearly population estimates totals |
mun_reg_saude |
Municipality and health region code table |
mun_reg_saude_449 |
Municipality and health region (449) code table |
mun_sex_pop |
Municipality yearly population estimates per age group and sex |
regsaude_female_pop |
Health region yearly female population estimates per age group |
regsaude_female_pop_totals |
Health region yearly female population estimates totals |
regsaude_male_pop |
Health region yearly male population estimates per age group |
regsaude_male_pop_totals |
Health region yearly male population estimates totals |
regsaude_pop |
Health region yearly population estimates per age group |
regsaude_pop_totals |
Health region yearly population estimates totals |
regsaude_sex_pop |
Health regions yearly population estimates per age group and sex |
uf_female_pop |
UF yearly female population estimates per age group |
uf_female_pop_totals |
UF yearly female population estimates totals |
uf_male_pop |
UF yearly male population estimates per age group |
uf_male_pop_totals |
UF yearly male population estimates totals |
uf_pop |
UF yearly population estimates per age group |
uf_pop_totals |
UF yearly population estimates totals |
uf_sex_pop |
UF yearly population estimates per age group and sex |