Brazilian Population Estimatives

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Documentation for package ‘brpop’ version 0.3.0

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mun_female_pop Municipality yearly female population estimates per age group
mun_female_pop_totals Municipality yearly female population estimates totals
mun_male_pop Municipality yearly male population estimates per age group
mun_male_pop_totals Municipality yearly male population estimates totals
mun_pop Municipality yearly population estimates per age group
mun_pop_totals Municipality yearly population estimates totals
mun_reg_saude Municipality and health region code table
mun_reg_saude_449 Municipality and health region (449) code table
mun_sex_pop Municipality yearly population estimates per age group and sex
regsaude_female_pop Health region yearly female population estimates per age group
regsaude_female_pop_totals Health region yearly female population estimates totals
regsaude_male_pop Health region yearly male population estimates per age group
regsaude_male_pop_totals Health region yearly male population estimates totals
regsaude_pop Health region yearly population estimates per age group
regsaude_pop_totals Health region yearly population estimates totals
regsaude_sex_pop Health regions yearly population estimates per age group and sex
uf_female_pop UF yearly female population estimates per age group
uf_female_pop_totals UF yearly female population estimates totals
uf_male_pop UF yearly male population estimates per age group
uf_male_pop_totals UF yearly male population estimates totals
uf_pop UF yearly population estimates per age group
uf_pop_totals UF yearly population estimates totals
uf_sex_pop UF yearly population estimates per age group and sex