brms_tidiers {broom.mixed} | R Documentation |
Tidying methods for a brms model
These methods tidy the estimates from
(fitted model objects from the brms package) into a summary.
## S3 method for class 'brmsfit'
parameters = NA,
effects = c("fixed", "ran_pars"),
robust = FALSE, = TRUE,
conf.level = 0.95,
conf.method = c("quantile", "HPDinterval"),
rhat = FALSE,
ess = FALSE,
fix.intercept = TRUE,
exponentiate = FALSE,
## S3 method for class 'brmsfit'
glance(x, looic = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'brmsfit'
augment(x, data = stats::model.frame(x), newdata = NULL, = TRUE, ...)
x |
Fitted model object from the brms package. See
parameters |
Names of parameters for which a summary should be
returned, as given by a character vector or regular expressions.
If |
effects |
A character vector including one or more of |
robust |
Whether to use median and median absolute deviation of the posterior distribution, rather than mean and standard deviation, to derive point estimates and uncertainty | |
If |
conf.level |
Defines the range of the posterior uncertainty,
such that |
conf.method |
method for computing confidence intervals ("quantile" or "HPDinterval") |
rhat |
whether to calculate the *Rhat* convergence metric
( |
ess |
whether to calculate the *effective sample size* (ESS) convergence metric
( |
fix.intercept |
rename "Intercept" parameter to "(Intercept)", to match behaviour of other model types? |
exponentiate |
whether to exponentiate the fixed-effect coefficient estimates and confidence intervals (common for logistic regression); if |
... |
Extra arguments, not used |
looic |
Should the LOO Information Criterion (and related info) be
included? See |
data |
data frame |
newdata |
new data frame | |
return standard errors of fit? |
All tidying methods return a data.frame
without rownames.
The structure depends on the method chosen.
When parameters = NA
, the effects
argument is used
to determine which parameters to summarize.
Generally, tidy.brmsfit
one row for each coefficient, with at least three columns:
term |
The name of the model parameter. |
estimate |
A point estimate of the coefficient (mean or median). |
std.error |
A standard error for the point estimate (sd or mad). |
When effects = "fixed"
, only population-level
effects are returned.
When effects = "ran_vals"
, only group-level effects are returned.
In this case, two additional columns are added:
group |
The name of the grouping factor. |
level |
The name of the level of the grouping factor. |
Specifying effects = "ran_pars"
selects the
standard deviations and correlations of the group-level parameters.
, columns for the lower
bounds of the posterior computed.
The names ‘fixed’, ‘ran_pars’, and ‘ran_vals’ (corresponding to "non-varying", "hierarchical", and "varying" respectively in previous versions of the package), while technically inappropriate in a Bayesian setting where "fixed" and "random" effects are not well-defined, are used for compatibility with other (frequentist) mixed model types.
At present, the components of parameter estimates are separated by parsing the column names of as_draws
(e.g. r_patient[1,Intercept]
for the random effect on the intercept for patient 1, or b_Trt1
for the fixed effect Trt1
. We try to detect underscores in parameter names and warn, but detection may be imperfect.
See Also
## original model
## Not run:
brms_crossedRE <- brm(mpg ~ wt + (1|cyl) + (1+wt|gear), data = mtcars,
iter = 500, chains = 2)
## End(Not run)
## too slow for CRAN (>5 seconds)
## load stored object
load(system.file("extdata", "brms_example.rda", package="broom.mixed"))
fit <- brms_crossedRE
tidy(fit, parameters = "^sd_", = FALSE)
tidy(fit, effects = "fixed", conf.method="HPDinterval")
tidy(fit, effects = "ran_vals")
tidy(fit, effects = "ran_pars", robust = TRUE)
if (require("posterior")) {
tidy(fit, effects = "ran_pars", rhat = TRUE, ess = TRUE)
# glance method
## this example will give a warning that it should be run with
## reloo=TRUE; however, doing this will fail
## because the \code{fit} object has been stripped down to save space
suppressWarnings(glance(fit, looic = TRUE, cores = 1))