brokenstick |
Fit a 'brokenstick' model to irregular data |
brokenstick-class |
Class 'brokenstick' |
brokenstick-pkg |
'brokenstick': A package for irregular longitudinal data. |
coef.brokenstick |
Extract Model Coefficients from brokenstick Object |
control_kr |
Set controls for Kasim-Raudenbush sampler |
EB |
Empirical Bayes predictor for random effects |
fitted.brokenstick |
Calculate fitted values |
fit_200 |
Broken stick model with nine lines for 200 children |
fit_200_light |
Broken stick model with nine lines for 200 children (light) |
get_knots |
Obtain the knots from a broken stick model |
get_omega |
Extract Variance and Correlation Components |
get_r2 |
Obtain proportion of explained variance from a broken stick model |
kr |
Kasim-Raudenbush sampler for two-level normal model |
make_basis |
Create linear splines basis |
parse_formula |
Parse formula for brokenstick model |
plot.brokenstick |
Plot observed and fitted trajectories by group |
plot_trajectory |
Plot observed and fitted trajectories from fitted brokenstick model |
predict.brokenstick |
Predict from a 'brokenstick' model |
print.brokenstick |
Print brokenstick object |
residuals.brokenstick |
Extract residuals from brokenstick model |
set_control |
Set controls to steer calculations |
smocc_200 |
Infant growth of 0-2 years, SMOCC data extract |
summary.brokenstick |
Create summary of brokenstick object |
weightloss |
Weight loss self-measurement data |