brm_formula {brms.mmrm}R Documentation

Model formula


Build a model formula for an MMRM, either for a generic brm_data() dataset or an informative prior archetype.


  model_missing_outcomes = FALSE,
  check_rank = TRUE,
  sigma = brms.mmrm::brm_formula_sigma(data = data, check_rank = check_rank),
  correlation = "unstructured",
  autoregressive_order = 1L,
  moving_average_order = 1L,
  residual_covariance_arma_estimation = FALSE,

## Default S3 method:
  model_missing_outcomes = FALSE,
  check_rank = TRUE,
  sigma = brms.mmrm::brm_formula_sigma(data = data, check_rank = check_rank),
  correlation = "unstructured",
  autoregressive_order = 1L,
  moving_average_order = 1L,
  residual_covariance_arma_estimation = FALSE,
  intercept = TRUE,
  baseline = !is.null(attr(data, "brm_baseline")),
  baseline_subgroup = !is.null(attr(data, "brm_baseline")) && !is.null(attr(data,
  baseline_subgroup_time = !is.null(attr(data, "brm_baseline")) && !is.null(attr(data,
  baseline_time = !is.null(attr(data, "brm_baseline")),
  covariates = TRUE,
  group = TRUE,
  group_subgroup = !is.null(attr(data, "brm_subgroup")),
  group_subgroup_time = !is.null(attr(data, "brm_subgroup")),
  group_time = TRUE,
  subgroup = !is.null(attr(data, "brm_subgroup")),
  subgroup_time = !is.null(attr(data, "brm_subgroup")),
  time = TRUE,
  effect_baseline = NULL,
  effect_group = NULL,
  effect_time = NULL,
  interaction_baseline = NULL,
  interaction_group = NULL

## S3 method for class 'brms_mmrm_archetype'
  model_missing_outcomes = FALSE,
  check_rank = TRUE,
  sigma = brms.mmrm::brm_formula_sigma(data = data, check_rank = check_rank),
  correlation = "unstructured",
  autoregressive_order = 1L,
  moving_average_order = 1L,
  residual_covariance_arma_estimation = FALSE,
  warn_ignored = TRUE



A classed data frame from brm_data(), or an informative prior archetype from a function like brm_archetype_successive_cells().


Logical of length 1, TRUE to impute missing outcomes during model fitting as described in the "Imputation during model fitting" section of Specifically, if the outcome variable is y, then the formula will begin with y | mi() ~ ... instead of simply y ~ .... Set to FALSE (default) to forgo this kind of imputation and discard missing observations from the data just prior to fitting the model inside brm_model(). See #nolint to understand the standard assumptions and decisions regarding MMRMs and missing outcomes.


TRUE to check the rank of the model matrix and throw an error if rank deficiency is detected. FALSE to skip this check. Rank-deficient models may have non-identifiable parameters and it is recommended to choose a full-rank mapping.


A formula produced by brm_formula_sigma(). The formula is a base R formula with S3 class "brms_mmrm_formula_sigma", and it controls the parameterization of the residual standard deviations sigma.


Character of length 1, name of the correlation structure. The correlation matrix is a square ⁠T x T⁠ matrix, where T is the number of discrete time points in the data. This matrix describes the correlations between time points in the same patient, as modeled in the residuals. Different patients are modeled as independent. The correlation argument controls how this matrix is parameterized, and the choices given by brms are listed at, and the choice is ultimately encoded in the main body of the output formula through terms like unstru() and arma(), some of which are configurable through arguments autoregressive_order, moving_average_order, and residual_covariance_arma_estimation of brm_formula(). Choices in brms.mmrm:


Nonnegative integer, autoregressive order for the "autoregressive_moving_average" and "autoregressive" correlation structures.


Nonnegative integer, moving average order for the "autoregressive_moving_average" and "moving_average" correlation structures.


TRUE or FALSE, whether to estimate ARMA effects using residual covariance matrices. Directly supplied to the cov argument in brms for "autoregressive_moving_average", "autoregressive", and "moving_average" correlation structures. C.f.


Named arguments to specific brm_formula() methods.


Logical of length 1. TRUE (default) to include an intercept, FALSE to omit.


Logical of length 1. TRUE to include an additive effect for baseline response, FALSE to omit. Default is TRUE if brm_data() previously declared a baseline variable in the dataset. Ignored for informative prior archetypes. For informative prior archetypes, this option should be set in functions like brm_archetype_successive_cells() rather than in brm_formula() in order to make sure columns are appropriately centered and the underlying model matrix has full rank.


Logical of length 1.


Logical of length 1. TRUE to include baseline-by-subgroup-by-time interaction, FALSE to omit. Default is TRUE if brm_data() previously declared baseline and subgroup variables in the dataset. Ignored for informative prior archetypes. For informative prior archetypes, this option should be set in functions like brm_archetype_successive_cells() rather than in brm_formula() in order to make sure columns are appropriately centered and the underlying model matrix has full rank.


Logical of length 1. TRUE to include baseline-by-time interaction, FALSE to omit. Default is TRUE if brm_data() previously declared a baseline variable in the dataset. Ignored for informative prior archetypes. For informative prior archetypes, this option should be set in functions like brm_archetype_successive_cells() rather than in brm_formula() in order to make sure columns are appropriately centered and the underlying model matrix has full rank.


Logical of length 1. TRUE (default) to include any additive covariates declared with the covariates argument of brm_data(), FALSE to omit. For informative prior archetypes, this option is set in functions like brm_archetype_successive_cells() rather than in brm_formula() in order to make sure columns are appropriately centered and the underlying model matrix has full rank.


Logical of length 1. TRUE (default) to include additive effects for treatment groups, FALSE to omit.


Logical of length 1. TRUE to include group-by-subgroup interaction, FALSE to omit. Default is TRUE if brm_data() previously declared a subgroup variable in the dataset.


Logical of length 1. TRUE to include group-by-subgroup-by-time interaction, FALSE to omit. Default is TRUE if brm_data() previously declared a subgroup variable in the dataset.


Logical of length 1. TRUE (default) to include group-by-time interaction, FALSE to omit.


Logical of length 1. TRUE to include additive fixed effects for subgroup levels, FALSE to omit. Default is TRUE if brm_data() previously declared a subgroup variable in the dataset.


Logical of length 1. TRUE to include subgroup-by-time interaction, FALSE to omit. Default is TRUE if brm_data() previously declared a subgroup variable in the dataset.


Logical of length 1. TRUE (default) to include a additive effect for discrete time, FALSE to omit.


Deprecated on 2024-01-16 (version Use baseline instead.


Deprecated on 2024-01-16 (version Use group instead.


Deprecated on 2024-01-16 (version Use time instead.


Deprecated on 2024-01-16 (version Use baseline_time instead.


Deprecated on 2024-01-16 (version Use group_time instead.


Set to TRUE to throw a warning if ignored arguments are specified, FALSE otherwise.


An object of class "brmsformula" returned from brms::brmsformula(). It contains the fixed effect mapping, correlation structure, and residual variance structure.

brm_data() formulas

For a brm_data() dataset, brm_formula() builds an R formula for an MMRM based on the details in the data and your choice of mapping. Customize your mapping by toggling on or off the various TRUE/FALSE arguments of brm_formula(), such as intercept, baseline, and group_time. All plausible additive effects, two-way interactions, and three-way interactions can be specified. The following interactions are not supported:

Formulas for informative prior archetypes

Functions like brm_archetype_successive_cells() tailor datasets to informative prior archetypes. For these specialized tailored datasets, brm_formula() works differently. It still applies the variance and correlation structure of your choosing, and it still lets you choose whether to adjust for nuisance covariates, but it no longer lets you toggle on/off individual terms in the model, such as intercept, baseline, or group. Instead, to ensure the correct interpretation of the parameters, brm_formula() uses the ⁠x_*⁠ and ⁠nuisance_*⁠ columns generated by brm_archetype_successive_cells( prefix_interest = "x_", prefix_nuisance = "nuisance_").


For a formula on a brm_data() dataset, the formula is not the only factor that determines the fixed effect mapping. The ordering of the categorical variables in the data, as well as the contrast option in R, affect the construction of the model matrix. To see the model matrix that will ultimately be used in brm_model(), run brms::make_standata() and examine the X element of the returned list. See the examples below for a demonstration.

See Also

Other models: brm_formula_sigma(), brm_model()


data <- brm_data(
  data = brm_simulate_simple()$data,
  outcome = "response",
  group = "group",
  time = "time",
  patient = "patient",
  reference_group = "group_1",
  reference_time = "time_1"
brm_formula(data = data, intercept = FALSE, baseline = FALSE)
formula <- brm_formula(
  data = data,
  intercept = FALSE,
  baseline = FALSE,
  group = FALSE
# Standard deviations of residuals are distributional parameters that can
# regress on variables in the data.
homogeneous <- brm_formula_sigma(data, time = FALSE)
by_group <- brm_formula_sigma(data, group = TRUE, intercept = TRUE)
brm_formula(data, sigma = homogeneous)
brm_formula(data, sigma = by_group)
# Optional: set the contrast option, which determines the model matrix.
options(contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.SAS", ordered = "contr.poly"))
# See the fixed effect mapping you get from the data:
head(brms::make_standata(formula = formula, data = data)$X)
# Specify a different contrast method to use an alternative
# mapping when fitting the model with brm_model():
  contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.treatment", ordered = "contr.poly")
# different model matrix than before:
head(brms::make_standata(formula = formula, data = data)$X)
# Formula on an informative prior archetype:
data <- brm_simulate_outline(
  n_group = 2,
  n_patient = 100,
  n_time = 4,
  rate_dropout = 0,
  rate_lapse = 0
) |>
  dplyr::mutate(response = rnorm(n = dplyr::n())) |>
  brm_data_change() |>
  brm_simulate_continuous(names = c("biomarker1", "biomarker2")) |>
    names = "biomarker3",
    levels = c("present", "absent")
archetype <- brm_archetype_successive_cells(data)
formula <- brm_formula(data = archetype)

[Package brms.mmrm version 1.1.0 Index]