brif-package | brif: A tree and forest tool for classification and regression |
brif | Build a model (and make predictions) |
brif.default | Build a model taking a data frame as input |
brif.formula | Build a model (and make predictions) with formula |
brif.trainpredict | Train a model and use it to predict new cases |
brifTree | Build a single brif tree of a given depth |
brifTree.default | Build a single brif tree taking a data frame as input |
brifTree.formula | Build a single brif tree taking a formula as input |
brif_write_data | Write data set to file |
predict.brif | Make predictions using a brif model |
printBrifTree | Print the decision rules of a Brif tree |
printRules | Print the decision rules of a brif tree |
rfpredict | Predict new cases |
rftrain | Train a random forest |
rftrainpredict | Train a model and predict for newdata in one go |
stratpar | Stratified permutation of rows by the first column |