brglm |
Bias reduction in Binomial-response GLMs |
brglm.control |
Auxiliary for Controlling BRGLM Fitting | |
Bias reduction in Binomial-response GLMs |
checkModifications |
Additive Modifications to the Binomial Responses and Totals for Use within '' |
confint.brglm |
Computes confidence intervals of parameters for bias-reduced estimation |
confint.profile.brglm |
Computes confidence intervals of parameters for bias-reduced estimation |
gethats |
Calculates the Leverages for a GLM through a C Routine |
glm.control1 |
Auxiliary for Controlling BRGLM Fitting |
lizards |
Habitat Preferences of Lizards |
modifications |
Additive Modifications to the Binomial Responses and Totals for Use within '' |
modifiedScoreStatistic |
Objectives to be profiled |
pairs.profile.brglm |
Plot methods for 'profile.brglm' objects |
penalizedDeviance |
Objectives to be profiled |
plot.profile.brglm |
Plot methods for 'profile.brglm' objects |
print.brglm |
Bias reduction in Binomial-response GLMs |
print.profile.brglm |
Calculate profiles for objects of class 'brglm'. |
print.summary.brglm |
Bias reduction in Binomial-response GLMs |
profile.brglm |
Calculate profiles for objects of class 'brglm'. |
profileObjectives |
Objectives to be profiled |
separation.detection |
Separation Identification. |
summary.brglm |
Bias reduction in Binomial-response GLMs |