brainGraphList {brainGraph}R Documentation

Create a list of brainGraph graphs


make_brainGraphList creates a brainGraphList object, a list containing a set of graphs for all subjects (or group-average graphs) in a study at a specific threshold (or density), in addition to some graph-level attributes common to those graphs.

The [ method will let you subset/slice the graphs for individual subjects and/or groups.

as_brainGraphList coerces a list of graphs to a brainGraphList object. It is assumed that certain metadata attributes – threshold, package version, atlas, imaging modality, edge weighting, and whether they are random graphs – are identical for all graphs in the list.


make_brainGraphList(x, atlas, type = c("observed", "random"),
  level = c("subject", "group", "contrast"), set.attrs = TRUE,
  modality = NULL, weighting = NULL, threshold = NULL,
  gnames = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'array'
make_brainGraphList(x, atlas, type = c("observed",
  "random"), level = c("subject", "group", "contrast"),
  set.attrs = TRUE, modality = NULL, weighting = NULL,
  threshold = NULL, gnames = NULL, grpNames = NULL, subnet = NULL,
  mode = "undirected", weighted = NULL, diag = FALSE,
  .progress = getOption("bg.progress"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'corr_mats'
make_brainGraphList(x, atlas = x$atlas,
  type = "observed", level = "group", set.attrs = TRUE,
  modality = NULL, weighting = NULL, threshold = x$densities,
  gnames = names(x$r.thresh), grpNames = gnames, mode = "undirected",
  weighted = NULL, diag = FALSE,
  .progress = getOption("bg.progress"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'brainGraphList'
x[i, g = NULL, drop = TRUE]

## S3 method for class 'brainGraphList'
print(x, ...)


## S3 method for class 'brainGraphList'
nobs(object, ...)

as_brainGraphList(g.list, type = c("observed", "random"),
  level = c("subject", "group", "contrast"))



3-D numeric array of all subjects' connectivity matrices (for a single threshold) or a corr_mats object


Character string specifying the brain atlas


Character string indicating the type of graphs. Default: observed


Character string indicating whether the graphs are subject-, group-, or contrast-specific. Default: 'subject'


Logical indicating whether to assign all graph-, vertex-, and edge-level attributes (via set_brainGraph_attr). Default: TRUE


Character string indicating imaging modality (e.g. 'dti'). Default: NULL


Character string indicating how the edges are weighted (e.g., 'fa', 'pearson', etc.). Default: NULL


Integer or number indicating the threshold used when “sparsifying” the connectivity matrix (if any). Default: NULL


Character vector of graph names (e.g., study IDs if level='subject'). Default: NULL


Other arguments passed to set_brainGraph_attr


Character (or factor) vector of group names. If level == 'group', then you do not need to include this argument (the group names will be the same as gnames). Default: NULL)


Integer or character vector indicating the vertices to keep, if you are interested in working with a subset of an atlas. By default, all vertices are used.


Character string defining how the matrix should be interpreted. Default: 'undirected'


Logical specifying whether to create a weighted network


Logical indicating whether to include the diagonal of the connectivity matrix. Default: FALSE


Logical indicating whether to print a progress bar. Default: getOption('bg.progress')


Integer, character, or logical vector for subsetting by subject, or by group (if x$level='group')


Integer, character, or logical vector for subsetting by group (if x$level='subject')


If TRUE (the default), then return only the list of graphs; otherwise, subset the graphs and return the entire object


A brainGraphList object


List of graph objects


In addition to creating the initial igraph graphs from the connectivity matrices, then attributes will be calculated and assigned for each graph via set_brainGraph_attr if set.attrs=TRUE. Other arguments can be passed to that function. You may display a progress bar by setting .progress=TRUE.

This object can be considered comparable to a 4-D NIfTI file, particularly that returned by FSL's TBSS “prestats” step since that file contains the FA volumes for all study subjects.

To convert an object with 3 “levels” (i.e., subject-level lists from an older brainGraph version), see the code in the Examples below.


make_brainGraphList returns an object of class brainGraphList with elements:


The specified threshold/density


The versions of R, igraph, and brainGraph used when creating the graphs


The atlas common to all the graphs


The imaging modality (if supplied)


A string indicating what edge weights represent (if applicable)


A named list of brainGraph graphs; the names correspond to the individual graphs' Study IDs

[ – A brainGraphList object (if drop=FALSE) or a list of graphs


The first index is for subsetting the individual graphs. The second index is for subsetting by group membership and requires that the graphs have a Group graph attribute. When both are included, the first index cannot have length or numeric value greater than the number of remaining subjects after subsetting by group.

If the indexing vector(s) is (are) character, the vector(s) must contain one (or more) of the subject or group names. If logical, its length must equal the number of subjects or groups.


If the input is a corr_mats object, and the extent of the 3-D array is greater than 1, then only the first will be converted to a graph.


Christopher G. Watson,

See Also

Other Graph creation functions: Creating_Graphs_GLM, Creating_Graphs, make_ego_brainGraph


## Not run: 
# Create a list, one for each threshold
g <- vector('list', length(thresholds))
for (i in seq_along(thresholds)) {
  g[[i]] <- make_brainGraphList(A.norm.sub[[i]], thresholds[i], atlas,
      covars.dti$Study.ID, covars.dti$Group, modality='dti', weighting='fa')

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
# Subset the first 10 subjects, irrespective of group

# Return object for only 'Control' subjects
my.bgl[, 'Control']

# Return object with graphs from groups 1 and 3
my.bgl[g=c(1, 3), drop=FALSE]

# Subset the first 10 subjects of group 2
my.bgl[1:10, 2]

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
## Convert old version single-subject graph lists
## g[[1]] is group 1, g[[1]][[1]] is threshold 1, g[[1]][[1]][[1]] is subj. 1
kNumThresholds <- length(g[[1]])
g.l <- vector('list', kNumThresholds)
for (i in seq_len(kNumThresholds)) {
  g.l[[i]] <- as_brainGraphList(, c(c, g))[[i]])

## End(Not run)

[Package brainGraph version 3.1.0 Index]