allBraidWords |
Braid words of given length |
allPositiveBraidWords |
Positive braid words of given length |
braidASCII |
ASCII braid |
braidPermutation |
Braid permutation |
bronfmanPolynomials |
Bronfman polynomials |
composeManyBraids |
Composition of many braids. |
composeTwoBraids |
Composition of two braids |
doubleSigma |
Double generator |
freeReduceBraidWord |
Free reduction of a braid |
halfTwist |
Half-twist |
inverseBraid |
Inverse braid |
isPermutationBraid |
Whether a braid is a permutation braid |
isPositiveBraidWord |
Whether a braid is positive |
isPureBraid |
Whether a braid is pure |
linkingMatrix |
Linking matrix |
mkBraid |
Make a braid |
numberOfStrands |
Number of strands |
permutationBraid |
Permutation braid |
strandLinking |
Linking number between two strands |
tau |
Inner automorphism |