evalBRAIDrsm {braidrm}R Documentation

Calculate BRAID Surface Values


Calculates the value of the Bivariate Response to Additive Interacting Doses (BRAID) surface model for the given concentration pairs.


evalBRAIDrsm(DA, DB, parv)



vector of concentrations of drug A


vector of concentrations of drug B


ten-element vector specifying the full set of parameters for the BRAID surface (see Details below)


The full ten-parameter BRAID model, which we refer to as the extended BRAID or eBRAID model is defined as:

E(D_A,D_B) = E_0 + \frac{E_f-E_0}{1+{{\tilde{D}}_{AB}}^{-\delta\sqrt{n_a n_b}}}

{\tilde{D}}_{AB} = {{\tilde{D}}_A}^\frac{1}{\delta\sqrt{n_a n_b}}+{{\tilde{D}}_B}^\frac{1}{\delta\sqrt{n_a n_b}} +\kappa\sqrt{{{\tilde{D}}_A}^\frac{1}{\delta\sqrt{n_a n_b}} {{\tilde{D}}_B}^\frac{1}{\delta\sqrt{n_a n_b}}}

{\tilde{D}}_A = \frac{\left(\frac{E_{f,A}-E_0}{E_f-E_0}\right)\left(\frac{D_A}{{ID}_{M,A}}\right)^{n_a}} {1+\left(1-\frac{E_{f,A}-E_0}{E_f-E_0}\right)\left(\frac{D_A}{{ID}_{M,A}}\right)^{n_a}}

{\tilde{D}}_B = \frac{\left(\frac{E_{f,B}-E_0}{E_f-E_0}\right)\left(\frac{D_B}{{ID}_{M,B}}\right)^{n_b}} {1+\left(1-\frac{E_{f,B}-E_0}{E_f-E_0}\right)\left(\frac{D_B}{{ID}_{M,B}}\right)^{n_b}}

The parameters of this equation must satisfy n_a>0, n_b>0, \delta>0, \kappa> -2, sign(E_f-E_0)=sign(E_{f,A}-E_0)=sign(E_{f,B}-E_0), |E_f-E_0|\geq|E_{f,A}-E_0|, and |E_f-E_0|\geq|E_{f,B}-E_0|. With this definition, the ten-element parameter vector is [{ID}_{M,A}, {ID}_{M,B}, n_a, n_b, \delta, \kappa, E_0, E_{f,A}, E_{f,B}, E_f]. The simpler standard BRAID model, as described in Twarog et al. is obtained by setting \delta equal to 1 and setting E_f such that |E_f-E_0| is equal to the maximum of |E_{f,A}-E_0| and |E_{f,B}-E_0|. Assuming that this sets E_f equal to E_{f,A}, this causes the equation for {\tilde{D}}_A to simplify to

{\tilde{D}}_A = \left(\frac{D_A}{{ID}_{M,A}}\right)^{n_a}


A vector of response values corresponding to the pairs of concentrations in DA and DB


Nathaniel R. Twarog

See Also

braidrm, invertBRAIDrsm


conc1 <- rep(seq(0,3*10^-6,length=50),each=50)
conc2 <- rep(seq(0,3*10^-6,length=50),times=50)

# Additive surface
act <- evalBRAIDrsm(conc1,conc2,parv=c(10^-6,10^-6,1.5,1.5,1,0,0,100,100,100))
# A BRAID additive surface is not a Loewe additive surface
act <- evalBRAIDrsm(conc1,conc2,parv=c(10^-6,10^-6,1,3,1,0,0,100,100,100))
# BRAID antagonism
act <- evalBRAIDrsm(conc1,conc2,parv=c(10^-6,10^-6,1.5,1.5,1,-1,0,100,100,100))
# delta-BRAID synergy
act <- evalBRAIDrsm(conc1,conc2,parv=c(10^-6,10^-6,1.5,1.5,1.75,0,0,100,100,100))
# Differing final effects
act <- evalBRAIDrsm(conc1,conc2,parv=c(10^-6,10^-6,1.5,1.5,1,0,0,75,100,100))

[Package braidrm version 0.71 Index]